Chapter 8: New and Old

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                               You watched as more people filed into L'manburg. Some new and Some who wanted to live here for quite a long time. You could see as a blond ran over and hugged Fundy. She was smiling a lot and looked quite pleased to be back.  You heard some shuffling from next to you by the tree you sat in and pulled out one of you daggers pointing it at the head that popped up. "Tommy you Idiot, why do you think its a good Idea to sneak up on someone? and after a war too." You question him, removing your blade from his neck. "Well its not my fault your sitting here in a tree. Who does that?" He asks you. "Me. And why are you here anyway?" You question him turning towards him more. "Wilbur told me to come get you. He has some people he wants you to meet." Tommy explained, talking with his hands like usual. 

                              You hop down from your perch. "Lets go then." You tell him, starting to move towards where everyone is. "Wh- So all it takes is me mentioning Wil and you go with it?" He says to you. "Tommy. Hes my boyfriend what do you expect me to do? Sit around?" You ask him putting your hands on your hips. Tommy makes gagging noises, after hearing you mention you and Wils relationship. You roll your eyes. "Lets go." You grab his arm and pull him. You and Tommy walk for a bit before seeing Wilbur ahead talking to two people.  One has horns and the other a beanie. You wander forward, joining the group. While Tommy leaves and goes join Tubbo by the rock they hang out at.

                                            "And thats just about what I'm thinking we should do. Oh Hi Y/N~" Wilbur smiled at you.  "Hi Wil..." You turn to the people in front of you. The one with horns seems unimpressed. "Shaltt. Quackity. This is Y/N."  Wilbur introduces you to the group.  "Hi nice to meet you two." You smiled at them.  Shlatt almost seemed to be glaring at you but you thought that was just a figment of your imagination. He was quite clearly the one Wilbur wanted to impress and he was failing quite badly. You decided to take matters into your own hands. "So what have you two been up to? You know while we were winning a war."  That did not help. Well for Shlatt a least. Quackity was starting to go on about his family. "-And then of course we miss her Quinceanera, Which caused me to get grounded." He sighed and then continued.

                                "Ya. Sooo... are you single?"  He asked you. As soon as you heard that you realized he had not exactly read the room. "Um Sorry no. Wil-" But you got cut off. "Shes not single. She has a boyfriend  who would very much like if you didn't worry about if she's single or not. Got it Amigo?" Wilbur suddenly said grabbing the front of Quackitys shirt. "Si." Quackity responded through gritted teeth and Wil let go of him. You turn to Wi. "Can we talk please." He nods and you to walk over by the tree you where sitting in earlier. 

                                                              "What was that? Why couldn't you let me handle it?" You ask him, not quite yelling but not quite normal talking either. "Pressure needs to be responded with pressure. And I dont think you understand that Quackity wouldn't have given up, unless someone got it through his thick skull that your mine. I fought a war with you. Im not about to let some idiot try and flirt with you." He states, interlacing your hands. "Okay. I get that.But next time let me handle it." You respond and you give him a short kiss. You pull away and smile at him when you hear someone yelling for you. 


                             You turn to see who it is. You see familiar brown hair and then you realize. You let go of Wils hand and run over too your brother.  "Karl? What are you doing here?" You ask him and he smiles giving you a hug. "Well I heard the war was over and I wanted to make sure you were okay." He explained. You smile. "I guess I should introduce you to some people." "I guess you should." You pull him over to Wil. 

                     "Wilbur meet my brother. Karl, this is my boyfriend Wilbur." You introduce them to each other. Karl give to a skeptical look but you just move your hands telling them to continue. "Nice you meet you." Karl says shaking Wilburs hand. "You too." 

                        You leave them to talk and decide to go see what everyone else is up too. You go over to Fundy. Seeing the blond again. "Hi." You say to her and she turns to you and smiles. "Hi. Im Niki. Im guessing your Y/N?" You nod your head. "Great! Fundy says your not the best but I refuse to believe it. And I'm going to prove to him your great." Niki claims. "And why do you think i'm good? I could be what Fundy says." You ask her. She smiles. "Well your Wils girlfriend, How bad could you be?" Then someone spoke from behind you.

"Y/N is what."

You knew that voice.

You had heard it so many times.

In real life.

In your dreams.

In your nightmares.


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