Uhm idek what this is but have it <3

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You were laying in bed it was about to turn 3am. You tired to fall asleep but it just wouldn't work, after a lot of thinking and debating you decided to message Noya and you were glad you did. You guys messaged for a good half a hour just talking about how you were going to spend Christmas eve. The plan was for you to go to his place and have just you two spend the evening together. That was the plan, but you started talking about how your parents wanted to meet him, so the plan changed. You were now going to spend a few hours at your parents house and then spend the rest of the night together. Of course you were nervous and so was he so you planned to meet at the park at about 8am. You set a alarm for about 7:30am and went to sleep.

The blazing hot sphere of heat shone into your room through the smallest little space in your blinds and directly into your eyes, you glanced at your phone as your alarm went of and rubbed your eyes. After just laying for another 10 minutes you got out of bed shockingly not tired. You grabbed some nice clothes and went to have a shower, when you got out you went to get some breakfast it was now around 7:50am. You messaged Yu and waited for  answer while making your way to the spot you were meant to meet. To your surprise when you arrived he was already there, but something was wrong he seemed off he was rubbing the back of his neck and looked really nervous. Without asking anything you walked up to him and hugged him, he automatically dug his head into your neck/shoulder and began to relax you held him until he was ready to let go. He smiled and let out a sigh of relief (one that let you know you did the right thing) . "Noya, what happened?" you asked as you took his hand into yours and squeezed it. 

A few minutes passed and he spoke "I'm sorry I'm just nervous to spend the evening with your family," he spoke giving you a worried look. You gave him a kiss on the cheek making him blush slightly which made you blush too. "They are going to love you, well of course not as much as i do" he giggled "but you get my point and even if they don't  will love you and we don't need them in our lives!" you exclaimed laughing causing a few people to turn and look at you as you blushed and apologized. He glanced at you through his laughter and yet again you were looking into each others eyes just standing there admiring each other. Deep in love with each other. You both leaned in and were about to kiss when..

"Hey Y/N!" a familiar voice spoke as memories you wanted to forget played like a film in your head. You turned around to see your ex standing behind you smiling like nothing ever happened between you. " Hi" you said firmly. Noya ,now feeling he needed to protect you held your hand and squeezed it returning the comfort you gave him and calming you down. "Hello, how can i help you?" now questioned with a pissed look on his face.

"Nothing, nothing calm down bro" your ex laughed and then rolled their eyes, "I was just saying hello to a old friend!" You grabbed Yu's arm to keep him near you so he wouldn't cause any trouble

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"Nothing, nothing calm down bro" your ex laughed and then rolled their eyes, "I was just saying hello to a old friend!" You grabbed Yu's arm to keep him near you so he wouldn't cause any trouble. "SO ,Y/N I see you've moved on " they winked at you causing you to gag a bit, "Yeah, so what?" you exclaimed causing your ex to frown a bit "Do you have a problem with it?" you questioned them again as he slowly backed away from You and Noya. "No, of course not i just thought since you loved me sooo much it would take you longer!" they answered arrogance and disrespect in his voice. They looked Yu directly in the eyes " So, Y/N when you feel like you're over this midget call me!" they held a piece of paper and held it in front of you. You took the paper and teared it into quarters then handed it back to them "No thanks I think I'm good" you smiled and were about to walk away with Nishinoya when your ex grabbed your arm but before he had the chance to pull you to him Noya removed your ex's arm from yours and pushed you behind himself. "So I see we have a problem here" Noya announced not letting go of your ex's arm pulling them closer to his face "Fuck of before I have to use force," but before your ex had a chance to walk away you struck them in the nose, causing a waterfall of blood to erupt and over flow, dripping down their face. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" you ex roared trying to make their way to you, Noya had no trouble stopping them and he pushed them away from you "You got what you asked for now Fuck of."

You ex walked away in shame "I swear I'll get you back for this" they yelled from a distance holding their face "Sure, whatever I'll have another gift ready!" you shouted back still angry. Noya rapidly pulled you into a tight hug trying to calm you "It's okay" he repeated "You're fine now, they are never going to get near you" he continued. You stood in this embrace shaking, when he pulled you closer and closer into a rough kiss, removing the air from your body causing you to kiss him deeper. But as all humans do you too need to breath so you both pull away gasping for air. He chuckles and you just smile. Yu places a kiss on your head and you both walk away from the park hand in hand.

(Time skip brought to you by "Is this the crusty crabs?" "NO THIS IS PATRICK!")

You sat in a café enjoying your cup of hot chocolate, waiting for your boyfriend to arrive. It had now been about 15 minutes since your meeting time. He still wasn't there. So you decided to message him again, worried, to your disappointment he didn't reply. You messaged him that you were no longer in the café as you took the long way home and went on a stroll. You passed the mall and a few cute couples spending time together before Christmas. Not to your surprise you received a call from Yu.

"Y/n! I'm so sorry, do you still want to meet today I'll explain everything!" Noya half shouted half cried. You gave it a thought and answered "Sure, meet me back at the café." You made your way back to the café, you got back and saw Yu on the other side of the street. He waved at you and you waved back. As he made his way to you he shouted your name, asking you to come to him. You walked across the road and gave him a hug. You missed him and he missed you. He began to explain everything about how he forgot turn his oven off and his pizza burnt. He had to run back and clean up all the smoke, he said how he would have let you know earlier but he couldn't find his phone. You kissed his cheek " well at least your here now" now whispered calming the energetic boy down. Not know what to do you went into town. Watching all the lights and decorations for Christmas, Noya noticed how your eyes lit up at all the fairy lights. He took your hand into his and squeezed it trying to hold in all the serotonin your expression gave him. He kissed your hand and you continued to make your way through town. You stopped by a small shop and got some churro's and then continued walking enjoying your snacks.

                                                        (Idk what this is but have it <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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