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He scratched my face with the blade, then drops of fresh red liquid rolled down my cheeks. I'm crying in agony, but the pain is taking away my consciousness. He then laughed evilly," what a smart girl, perhaps dissecting into organs is a waste. How about I'll take you there? Let me guess how much I can sell you for? Perhaps five thousand? ten thousand? It would definitely interesting watching you die there."

I was traumatized by terror and regression, teardrops mixed with the blood on my face, dyeing my tears red. He dragged me on the floor to a black car, the way he dragged me hurts my back and made my clothes dirty. The black car was a typical 7 seated black car that villains in animation uses, with windows that you can't see through. By the time that I was thrown into the car, my consciousness was lost.

As I was slightly again my consciousness back, I found myself in a large spacious room, with neatly tiled white floors, but with terrifying dark red stain, and the pungency of festering raw acrid air, with the tense atmosphere, causing suffering sickness. The tension besides me was so strong that I was asphyxiated.

There was a metal suitcase beside me, and a knife on it. I was not scared anymore, the tiredness and nauseous is taking over my feared emotions. In an unfamiliar environment, there are also a couple of people beside me, all with a suitcase beside them. Somewhat around 80-90 people that were around 12 like me, lying on the cold floor.

Before I can find out what happened, drowsiness struck my head and I went paralyzed. Although I couldn't move my eyelids or move my body, my consciousness was still there. Just in a minute, I went back to my thoughts, why am I here? I thought I was leaving for home. I created a hypothesis, I was kidnapped by the man in the alley, then I was brought here. Yet, there's nothing to do with a suitcase and a knife on it, sounds unlogical, I assume it must have something to do with the reason they kidnap so many humans. I quickly organized the thoughts on my brain and created a final hypothesis. Final hypothesis: The trained man and his associate kidnapped me and other humans around my age here illegally to fulfill a purpose that relates to violence. Pieces of evidence like the large room and the number of humans here prove that the man was from an association as he couldn't finish these himself, the toxic chemical in the alley was not able to defeat him demonstrates that he was well trained.

Gosh, I must escape from here. shocked by the astonishment that I gained. Escaping from here is the foremost concern for the sake of going back home on time and school tomorrow. Therefore an itinerary for escaping was devised.

itinerary after gaining my consciousness: (try not to be noticed or get in touch with other humans)
1: Get my phone and check the GPS location
2.1: If there is GPS signal, locate yourself on the map and find the shortest route home
2.2: Look for evidence in the suitcase (go to 3.1)
3: Try to sneak out of the hall
4.1: If there is GPS, call a cab and go home
4.2: If there is no GPS signal, look for signal and call a cab to go home

I must be really careful executing my plan since there might be guards anywhere or people as strong as the man who kidnapped me. Now I just need to wait until I'm not paralyzed.

In my inner heart, I was certainly anxious and shocked, kidnapping was not anything in my plan or expectations. What I was aiming is to fulfill my mom's wishes for studying. However, I did;t feel panic nor scared, instead, my urge to live on instead of my emotions. 

I was mentally exhausted by the time I was awake. What pulled me back to reality from the peaceful world of dreams was some vexatious noise of a man. 

When I lifted up my heavy eyelids, the white tiles came back to my sight with dark red stain on them. The lights were turned off, but a projector projecting an image of a man with a clown mask that you can't see his face and a har that magicians wear. The pungent odor in the atmosphere was afflicting my breath.

The men said mischievously," Welcome kids! Welcome to the playground of destruction! I'm positive that you'll be enjoying it! Here are the rules of this paradise: 
1. Monsters will be sent out into the room. 
2. Miasma (toxic gas) would be released into the room
3. Everyone has a suitcase beside them, with food and water that is enough for a day. In terms, you can do anything to attain the resources you need. There is also a knife for you, just in case you need to use it. 
4. Your job is to survive in this room for a week.
5. You can do anything to attain your goal, which means anything illegal including murder is allowed. 
6.  Have fun and enjoy this game of survival, or massacre if you want to."

He then smiled aloud in a repulsive manner, chilling me to my spines, causing me to shiver. 

A little boy in the corner of the room then complained, " I want to go home! Give me mama! Where are doggie and kitty! Give me back my toys!" He was definitely one of those annoying mom boys that enjoy crying and complaining all day. 

Then something flew past the room, it was instantaneous that you couldn't capture what it is with your eyes. The boy was headshot in the middle of his brain, a significant amount of blood was poured out from the hole in the head as a fountain, and gravity dragged the red liquid down to his face and dripped on the clothes through his neck, white fabric gloomed like a fresh red petal. The color red was nothing like the stain on the floor, where the stain was satiated with shades history, oxidized to dark red with atrocious memory, nothing fresh. The boy's expression was stiff and hopeless, screaming internally with agony. 

It was nothing as real as a dream. It wasn't simple witnessing the horror of a person departing life hopelessly. It happened, I knew what happened, but admitting reality is intimidating. 

Some others were screaming in despair, while some remained silent like me, astonished by what happened. 

The man in the projector said, " Kids that are noisy aren't adorable. Oh, just reminding you, I have absolute control in this room, including your life. I'm sure that you guys are smart kids, so let's enjoy this game!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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