Catastrophe (1)

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I'm still confused with all the things that had just happened to me.
It all started 3 months ago on a cloudy day when I came home from school. 
The school bell chimed, and all my classmates are shouting for joy. I completely don't comprehend how human screams with joy when school ends, it's completely pointless, except for wasting your energy and hurting your throat. I hypothesize that they are celebrating it, but lack evidence to prove. Parents pay for them to be educated, and school ends every day. Humans are weird.
The teacher greeted us and left the classroom. "Great, time to go home.", I murmured as I was packing up my textbooks, while other humans were screaming with joy and chatting with each other. Just then, the bully of my class came to me, he was around 16, plump and chubby.  "Trouble," I murmured again. Another thing that I don't understand is why humans humiliate others. I tried my best to be invisible in class, since dealing with other humans is total trouble that wastes time. Existence sucks. 

"Poor fat little pig that has no friends, why are you wearing a surgical mask and pretend to be sick for the whole semester?", the bully laughed in a playful tone, while trying my best to filter out their noises. I muttered, "Stop it, I have to go home", I dodged them with my head down, then sneaked out of the classroom's back door. I assume I understand why my classmates are so happy about school ends, no annoying bullies, no annoying teachers, and no annoying noises. 

What's wrong about being an introvert, don't they know how to respect? If they are normal homo sapiens that know how to socialize, don't they know socializing is based on respect? 

Leaving school takes me straight to the train station, with a shop there inscribed "Sugary desserts", and my favorite Japanese style mochi sold there. "A strawberry flavor please," I told the shopkeeper as I handed him 500 yen, I regretted it. That's my last coin in my purse, but the delicious appealing mochi changed my mind.

One thing that I'm definite of: The most delightful thing about life is strawberry mochi. 

Turn left and left again after leaving the station brings me to an alley between skyscrapers, which is the shortcut to home, there were packs of litter illegally disposed of by residents, the stinking odor spreading out irritating my nose, and only a man in black wearing sunglasses passed by. Home Is nothing as fantastical as a home sweet home, but an apartment as small as an atom in an inanimated skyscraper. 

Walking as I was enjoying my dessert as if the best delicacy on Earth. 

I wouldn't ponder something like this would happen to me, not anything in my daily routine, not anything predicted.

I regretted taking the shortcut, if I have any other opportunity, I would never walk on allies, I would have been cautious.

Life is only once, there's no other chance. 

I quickly walked past the alley and the man, suddenly, strangled my neck with his elbow before I could notice. Causing me to be isolated from oxygen. I couldn't breathe, my mind went vacant, I swear I never panicked like this, not ever, not even, not even facing a crowd of monsters forcing me to read speeches and poems. Normally, I could have noticed the errors in math problems, why am I not sensitive enough to locate the problem of the man wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day? why? What happened to me?

At that time, I sensed that death was remarkably close to me. No! I still don't want to die yet! As I was struggling, my mochi fell on to the floor, the man's strength was physically stronger than me, like an insect compared to an ox. 

No, I know I can't die! In contrast, he was much stronger than me physically.
Think! I told myself to calm down and think. Although I was physically weak, my only weapon is my brain, with my ability to think. Standing in the middle of the alley, the man was around 25 meters opposite to me, and around 50 meters to the end that passes to the station.

I ran with all my strength, I swear I had never run at that speed before. Cautiously glancing behind, the man smiled, that was a sinister smile, smiled like a nightmare. That astounded me and I tripped over the obstacles of the rubbished disposed, containers of cleaning agents, spoiled food waste that stinks, and random electronics.
That man walked over, as tall as a giant as if a helpless prey to a predator. It all ends now, I closed my eyes.

As he advances closer, the more towering he gets, the way he smirked with the lips tilted gave me a bad vibe. He smirked coldly, "What a nice pleasant girl, I wonder how cute you are when dissected into different organs!" His voice plumbed into my heart, his smirk was chilly and my muscles clenched. The message he delivered was shocking, why would he want to dissect me?

A bloody scene appeared in my mind. Humans are weird.

Looking hopelessly around the alley, stimulating myself to think, the only thing that came to my mind the word "think". Rewinding the torturous knowledge that everyone like my parents, family and teachers pressured me to learn, "sin(2x) = 2sin(x) • cos(x) = [2tan x/(1+tan2 x)], E = mc2, C7H16+O2→7CO2+H2O. "

The light bulb on my head suddenly switched on. "Chemistry class!"I shouted. Thanks for my tedious science teacher and monstrous mom pressuring me to recite organic molecules.
There is a disposed bottle of bleach in the rubbish pile, although rubbish was gross, with plenty of microbe like bacteria on the bottle, I hope there's remaining inside.

I quickly clutched the bottle with disgust. What a relief, there's remaining inside. I rummaged for rubbing alcohol in my pocket and poured it into the bottle of bleach as promptly as I can.

Bleach is a solution of sodium hypochlorite, which reacts with ethanol (rubbing alcohol) to produce chloroform, which is a toxic nasty substance. I wished that would be enough to knock that scary man down, better to have extra consequences for him.

Smoke spreading all over the alley, with a large quantity of foggy substances generated from the bottle of bleach, irritating my sights and breath, I covered my mouth as I cough.

The whole incident was in a minute, but it felt like ages as if everything was in slow motion.
Knocking the man down would be my revenge for ruining my mochi and scaring me, comforting myself from the trauma.

As I was starting to celebrate, a tall shadow of a man appeared from the smoke, while my legs were becoming delayed due to nausea caused by the chemical substances as I was approaching the light. How sarcastic it is, trying to knock someone out, but backlashed myself.

I wish a passer-by can notice me and offer me help, but of course, naturally, nobody would notice or offer help to "nobody" like me. Nobody would want to get into trouble for offering help.
The only picture in my eye was the devilish man, holding a sharpened knife, with the shiny metallic reflected the image of the weak sickening me. What I can see on the blade was ruthless, coldness, and merciless.

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