Khyal Shimora (Improved and rewritten)

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Name: "None of your business. Who the hell are you anyway?"
Khyal Shimora

Nicknames: "Don't have any, and you better not try giving me any because I don't like you."
Usually he hates people giving him Nicknames or people calling him things other than his name because he's used to being called useless or pathetic, but he has exceptions for people who become close to him.

Age: "You're getting personal now, go away."

Gender: "Great, I'm talking to a blind person."

Hero or Villain: "Listen, I help who I want and do what I feel is right."
Ultimately, he's a vigilante. In the beginning he lives with Tomura, and because of growing up with Tomura since he was 12, he sees Tomura like an older brother. And even when he chooses to leave the league because he doesn't want to be a villain after being sent to UA as a spy, he chooses to still care about Tomura and Kurogiri, ultimately deciding he wants to help Tomura out of AFO's clutches.

Likes: "You not being here."
Tomura Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Izuku, and ramen

Dislikes: "Having this conversation."
most people he doesn't know, Bullies

Personality: "I'm done with this conversation. Leave now, and maybe you can still be on my good side."
Khyal is a blunt person, he speaks his mind and doesn't care about what others think. He has a form of PTSD that makes him act violent if triggered, and he can't control what he does after its set off.

Backstory: "For me to know and you to leave alone."
Khyal was born Quirkless like Izuku was. He first met Izuku and Bakugo in the third grade and connected quickly with Izuku because he too was Quirkless. He often defended Izuku even if it meant being beat up, and he had many quarrels and fights with Bakugo. He had a very abusive father, and for the most part his mother wasn't much better, but she wasn't nearly as bad as his father. Khyal started to become very distant. All the abuse from his father and his mother doing nothing to help, plus all the taunting and bullying from all the other kids took a toll on him. When he was 12, Khyal had disappeared. He'd ran away, and came across Shigaraki, who offered him to join him and took him in, treating him as an equal. He agreed, but made it clear he refuses to kill innocent people. Though there are exceptions, especially if people trigger his PTSD.

Appearance: "Again, blind person. Someone get some glasses in here."


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