Part Two: Aizawa's Apartment

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You somehow managed to mask avoiding Shinso as ignoring him. You weren't going out of your way to stay away from him. You just made a point to maintain distance by not responding to his messages. You broke up with him and then ended up on your hands and knees with his closest friend and mentor. He must not know what happened yet. If he did he wouldn't want to talk. Shit, he wouldn't even want to look at me. If you were an asshole you would just text him and tell him yourself, but you'd done enough already. You wondered what Aizawa would think about the fact that you didn't speak up and tell Shinso why you weren't responding to him.

It had been three days since that first encounter with Aizawa. The lesson was clear: use your fucking voice; but you couldn't bring yourself to cause more pain. That night played through your head every time your mind wandered, a perfect distraction. If fucking Aizawa was all you could think about, that meant you weren't thinking about Shinso. Save for when he was calling or texting you. At some point in the day his name would pop up on your phone, "Are you okay? Please talk to me, I just want to hear your voice."

You thought you could get past all the talk, but the rumors about the dangers of Shinso's quirk crept into your mind like ivy, strangling any trust you had in your relationship. Your wants and needs were tangled up in the thought of him using his quirk to manipulate you, and no matter how hard you tried to get past it, you just couldn't. The look on his face when you finally told him it wasn't going to work was still fresh, burned into the surface of your mind like a brand. The last thing you wanted to do was hurt him more, so you couldn't bring yourself to tell him the whole truth. If he knew it was because you thought he could be using his quirk against you, it would be like a slap in the face. So instead you made up some bullshit excuse. At first he didn't buy it. He practically begged you to stay, but you kept pushing, he let you go and you haven't spoken to him since then. He should move on. It's better this way. Ignoring him was the best plan of action, for the both of you. This seemed to be working because his most recent text appeared to finally give you the response you wanted, "I can see that this is not going to work." You read his text over and over; the tightening in your nerves slowly released as the realization hits you. He finally got the hint. He sent that text this morning, before Aizawa texted you inviting you over to his place.

The cool autumn breeze nipped at your cheeks as you walked, the familiar route strewn with amber and copper colored leaves. Your legs took over while your mind was elsewhere, exactly where you didn't want it to be. You knew your way to Aizawa's apartment almost as well as you knew your way to Shinso's because you'd been here plenty of times. Now that you thought about it the last time you were here, you and Shinso came over together. Aizawa wanted to celebrate Shinso's first official hero job by inviting us over for dinner and drinks. You remember laughing and the warmth of Shinso's arm around your waist as he recalled his first successful solo encounter with the smallest smile on his face. You found yourself smiling as you walked, reminiscing about that moment as you entered the elevator up to Aizawa's apartment. Then, almost simultaneously your smile dropped. None of that matters anymore. It's over. You're on your way to fuck someone else. Shit, not just someone else, it's fucking Aizawa. But you needed this, anything to keep you distracted from the wreck that was your relationship with Shinso. Even better if it meant you could ensure he wouldn't want anything to do with you. Your mind is still adrift as you approach the door and lift your hand to knock, but the door swings open before you make contact.

"Shit!" Your body reacts to the unexpected welcome, the adrenaline pulsing through you as you see Aizawa standing in the doorway. He's looking directly at you, pinning you with his gaze. You straighten up at his expression. What the fuck is that face for? It's not like I took forever to get here. You remembered the words he said so smugly when he came to see you the last time and you smiled, "You gonna let me in?" Aizawa raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by your subtle joke. It seemed like he was processing something as you noticed the muscles in his jaw tighten right before he offered a half smile, stepping aside to grant you entry into his apartment. Why the hell hasn't he said anything yet? He's the one who texted me. You took this as a challenge. No way was he about to pull the silent treatment on you when you haven't done anything wrong. You knew exactly how to get him to talk. A grin spread across your face, and you walked by him as he watched you walk in, "Thank you very much, 'sir'," you said, your words dripping with sarcasm. You could feel the heat radiating from him as you passed, walking towards the kitchen counter to put your bag down and take your coat off. You heard the door close and the distinct click of the deadbolt sliding into place as you pulled your phone out to make sure it was silenced. Before you could put your phone down you felt Aizawa behind you.

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