Violet Haze

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Part One: Aizawa


You couldn't do it anymore. Being with Shinsou made you second guess everything. You never knew if he was manipulating you or if you were actually doing or saying what you actually wanted to. With your record of shitty relationships you couldn't get hurt like that again. Your last breakup took you way too long to get over and your feelings for Shinso were borderline terrifying. If he fucked you over, it would really, truly fucking hurt and you'd only been together for a few months. Nothing lasts forever anyways, and you weren't willing to risk getting hurt again for someone you already knew would probably hurt you. Everyone said he was bound to be a villain with a quirk like that.

Why didn't you listen? His quirk is literal mind control, what the fuck were you thinking?

You were thinking you loved the way his hands felt on your skin, and how the sound of his voice alone was enough to make you need a new pair of panties.

Fuck, you really needed to get a car. Walking to and from work was giving you too much time to think. The breeze flirting with your hair, and the sun on your skin almost made it enjoyable, but you just wanted to get home so you could text someone-anyone, to see if there was something you could fill your time with. You tried the whole movies and ice cream thing but you could only do that for so long. You were past feeling sorry for yourself, you were just pissed. You just needed to stay away from him. Distract yourself.

You started going out more, finding company in strangers and any drink you could get your hands on. This led you to a friend, an unlikely one, since your ex is practically his understudy, but a friend nonetheless. The fact that this friendship became more of a friends with benefits situation was not the initial plan, but it certainly helped with the distraction process.

Aizawa 6:39 PM

What are you doing later.

Nothing. Trying to shovel as much shit onto my memory of Shinso as possible.

You 6:40 PM

Hopefully you.

You hit send before you change your mind and delete it. Overthinking is something you've been trying not to do since it was all you were doing when you were with Shinso. You were always second guessing your decisions, unsure if your choices were really yours or something he was manipulating you to do by using his quirk. Every question he's ever asked you, every thing you've ever decided to do with him, was that real?

You're doing it again. Stop thinking about him.

Your phone dings. Thank fuck.

Aizawa 6:41 PM

Hoping isn't going to do you any good. You want it? Come get it.

You read the text about three more times. This. This is what you needed. You thought back to the first time you and Aizawa hooked up. Shinso was always pretty protective so he asked if he could give your contact information to Aizawa just in case something were to happen to him or I couldn't get a hold of him for some reason. Naturally, you agreed. Yet, another decision added to the list of things you weren't sure you actually agreed to or if he may have swayed you to do it. If you hadn't agreed to that you might not be in this situation with Aizawa in the first place, and this situation was a damn good one. It's not your fault Aizawa texted you after the break up. He was really more concerned about Shinso anyways, you were just his protege's girlfriend. He offered to come over, to see if you were okay and to try to talk about the situation with Shinso.

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