Author's Note: Updates and Playlists! December 24th, 2020

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Hi everyone! 

First of all, I wanted to say thank you for reading this and supporting our writing collaboration! It's been a crazy couple of weeks and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to upload part two of this piece :(((. But we're ecstatic to share this next bit of news with you all. 

We decided to give this piece four parts instead of two. This means Aizawa will have two parts (part one and two) and Shinso will also have two parts (part three and four). I know the cover says it's only two parts buuuuut I just decided to let the story run its course and it expanded just a bit. 

I also wanted to introduce our story concept playlists! We will be creating playlists on Spotify for you to enjoy while you read. We like the idea of submerging the senses in the story. We would love if you would listen to it and tell us what you think! 

Heres the link to the Violet Haze Playlist: 

This is meant to be played with the entire story so far. We will be adding more songs as the story continues so stay tuned! 

We hope you all enjoy Part Two and we cant wait to get started on Shinso's half of the story! Don't forget to favorite the page if you're into it (or just for the hell of it). Also feel free to comment as much as you want (remember positive vibes are the best vibes), we love seeing what you all think as you read! 

Looking forward to spreading even more sinnn! Catch you hellions later. :)

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