Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


Gerard froze, processing the implications of those words. Kolblim must have been a town of at least two hundred, possibly more. How was it possible that such a small percent of the people had survived this disease? His heart began to pound for the fate of his family in Devresh.  

Levi knew without words what Gerard was feeling and ached for his partner's pain. He wanted nothing more than to comfort him and let him know things would be ok, but he would never be able to do that out in the open. Instead, he began walking into the room, taking in all of the people as he passed, until he was some distance in front of the men. He turned back to face them, and as Gerard's eyes scanned the room once more, frantically trying to take it all in, they stopped on Levi, and their eyes locked. Levi was able to read all of the pain and fear that had been amplified since that messenger had arrived in the middle of the night, threatening to wash away his tenuous calm façade. Levi just watched and allowed Gerard to use him as a focal point, offering strength as Gerard worked to return his thoughts to order.  

A few more moments passed in silence as the men continued to take in the situation, and the people of the room stared at them in return. Finally, a young woman stood up from where she was sewing next to the large fire in the center of the room, her eyes darting back and forth between Gerard and Levi. She ultimately turned to address Levi. "My name is Marin. Who are our guests?" 

"I am Vice Commander Levi, and we are soldiers in the King's Army," he replied, watching her eyes widen in wonder.  

"Thank the heavens!" she cried. "The King is finally sending aid!" At her words many of the people began speaking jubilantly all at once, some coming to stand before Levi with happy, expectant expressions.  

Levi was frozen by their hopefulness, feeling the weight of all their expectations resting on his shoulders. He looked to Gerard for guidance, not wanting to tell these people something that wasn't true. He was relieved to see that the people's response had snapped Gerard's thoughts back to the present, and he nodded, understanding without words what Levi was trying to ask him.  

Levi returned a small nod and turned back to Marin. "Yes, we have been dispatched to observe the situation and call for the appropriate aid." 

The excited chattering grew almost fervent until Marin raised a hand for silence. "We have waited many nights for someone to come. We will tell you whatever you need to know, but first, let us offer you whatever hospitality we can. I fear you must have traveled hard to reach us so soon."  

"We would appreciate whatever you can offer us." 

Marin nodded and called two of young men in the room over to her. After a few whispered words, she said aloud, "These are Mik and Tam. They will take you to rooms that you may use for the duration of your stay. Please take some time to rest. We will be ready to meet once you are done."  

"Thank you," Levi responded graciously. "There are three more of us being led down by Emma. Will you please send them to us once they arrive?" 

"Of course," Marin nodded. With that, Mik and Tam lead them out of this chamber through a tunnel in the far wall. The boys were quiet as they walked, but more than once Levi noticed them looking over their shoulders in curiosity.  

After far fewer turns than the path they took into the central chamber, Mik and Tam stopped at the end of a long hallway. "There are two chambers here," Mik said, holding his torch up so they could see the doors across the hall from each other. "There is also one more room farther down on the left." 

Levi opened the door on the right and glanced inside. It was a medium sized room with four low beds and a small table. "These will do nicely," Levi said, turning back to the boys.  

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