Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


There are moments of true peace that can sneak up on people if they aren't looking. Gerard was experiencing such a moment as he lay in bed with Levi's lithe form cradled around him, and he was sleeping soundly for the first time in days. But all that was shattered when yelling and sounds of a scuffle erupted right outside the tent. 

"You can't go in there!" Gerard's guard yelled. 

Gerard and Levi shot awake, trying to locate the source of the problem. 

"I was told to stop at nothing until I spoke directly with the commanding officer!" another voice responded, one not familiar to either of them. 

"You will speak with him when you have been announced and he is ready speak with you!" 

Both men crawled out of bed and frantically searched for articles of clothing they could throw on before someone came barging through the entry.  

"Fuck your announcements. I'm here to do a job, and that's to speak with the commander" the unknown voice growled, but by now there were other voices rushing closer - soldiers who were both curious and ready to defend one of their own at a moment's notice. 

"This is not some simple commander," the guard spat. "This is the tent of Prince Gerard, cousin to King Gavin and future heir to the throne of Wyndfall! You will not get through his royal guard!"  

"Prince, eh? Well then, I'll make sure to curtsey when I see him." 

"Men!" the guard ordered, and the sounds of drawn steel filled the night as at least a dozen men surrounded the messenger. "Seize him!" 

Gerard checked to make sure Levi was somewhat put together before drawing back the flap. "Hold!" he cried, and all movement stopped. He stepped out in to the middle of the men blocking his entry and leveled his gaze at the guard on duty. "What is the meaning of this?" he ordered. 

"A camp intruder, Your Highness," he replied as he swept a bow. "He tried to enter your tent secretly and refused to halt his endeavors when confronted."  

Gerard had surmised as much as he turned to face the man in question. He had a grizzled shape that still spoke of military service, and even now, when faced with numerous sword points, he was dedicated to his task.  

"Why are you here?" Gerard demanded in a tone that brooked no argument. 

"I'm here to see the commander of this Legion. Got a message for him." 

"And why have you snuck into this camp in the middle of the night?" 

"Part of the job," he replied with a shrug. Gerard leveled a cold stare, clearly expecting more. The man sighed in exasperation. "How many times am I going to have to repeat myself? I was given direct orders to deliver the message in person and not to allow anyone or thing to slow me down - not even a royal guard."  

"Give me your message." 

The man looked him up and down critically, noting his rumpled clothes and disheveled hair. "My message is only for the legion commander, so why don't you go find him for me?" the man taunted. 

Gerard's eyes burned blue fire, and he drew himself to his full, impressive height. "My name is Gerard Anthony Damien Garreth, Commanding Officer of the Fifth Legion, heir to Pendym Downs, Prince of the realm and second in line to the crown of this kingdom. I do not take orders from you." Each word was laced with authority, and the man fell to his knees in supplication.  

"Forgive me, Your Highness, I have made a terrible mistake," he begged, eyes cast downward. 

"One you shall not make again. Strip him of his weapons," he commanded, and two guards stepped forward, smirking at his effective display of authority. "Come," he ordered when they had finished, "I will hear this message you bear." 

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