6. If Looks Could Kill and Hearts Could Break

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If looks could kill, Paul's angered glance would've already had me six feet under.

His gaze was projected towards Niall, I don't think he's actually glanced at me once. But for Heaven's sake, I didn't want him to. If I was just intimidated by his voice and overcasted glances, I think locking eyes with him would make me pee. I had to steady myself as I felt my head sort of spin. I didn't want to fall off the bed, that would be embarrassing. Then again, I think that would be the least of my worries. My eyes fell onto Niall, though he seemed to be in some sort of stare down with Paul. That or Paul was like, mind-conversing with him. I wouldn't doubt it, Paul seems the type of man who can do anything.

"Niall. Hallway. Now." He grufly scolded, taking his index finger and pointing outward. His teeth were clenched and his eyes looked like they would shoot bullets out them at any second. He really could be scary. I watched as Niall sheepishly got up, hanging his head as he exited the room and entered the hallway. Paul slammed the door behind them, and that's when the music played.

Not literal music, but I mean the shouts coming from Paul. I couldn't hear them quite clearly, stuff like "why is tha- blablablah" Or "how could you blablabla" or "what about that model blablablah". I was drowning it all out, I didn't want to hear it. At this point, I felt like a little child be scorned from stealing a cookie from the cookie jar, though with Paul's reaction, it was more like I took 100 cookies, murdered somebody and then robbed a bank.

I groaned, rolling my eyes at my own stupidity. It's not like we did anything, but it sure as hell didn't look all too innocent! What if Paul talked to management and pulled strings to get me and Bailey off the show? How stupid was I to assume Niall and I's newfound relationship could be hidden! Bloody hell, it hadn't even been twenty-four hours! Bailey would so hate me for this. I sighed, and let myself fall backwards. My head gently nestled into a pillow, it's memory foam capturing my head and forming to it's shape. I grabbed another pillow next to me and covered my face. I pressed down hard with my hand and screamed into it, trying to let my frustrations out.

Finally, I let out all that was left of my voice and threw the pillow previously on my face to the floor. Just then, Paul's tone died down, though they kept talking. 

After what seemed like forever, Niall shuffled back in, shaking his head. Paul didn't follow afterwards, I only assumed he had run off to go punch someone or something, I mean with him I wouldn't doubt it with that look he had in his eyes and how he flexed his muscles. His veins were nearly popping out of his neck! I'm just glad it wouldn't be me getting that punch. I notice Niall's eye contact with the floor, and the small frown he had on his face. He plopped down next to me on the bed, the soft mattress dipping at the newly added weight. Niall sighed heavily, and seemed to be consumed with his own thoughts a he kept staring at the floor. I just let him be, because I didn't want to torture him with questions. But infact, the silence was torturing me.

"Niall.. what did .. Paul say?" I asked. Saying Paul's name was like saying Voldemort's name to the characters in Harry Potter. I felt like Paul would run back in and kill me, but this time with his nose absent. I shook my head and shrugged as I shivered at the thought. I felt rather bad making Paul seem to be such a bad guy. I'm sure he's a lovely fellow, we just met on the wrong terms. Niall casted his glance from the floor to me. Our eyes met, and I could tell in his eyes danced distraught.

"Paul said we could not tell anyone but the boys of us. Not even Bailey. He also said that we could not tell management under ANY circumstances." He mumbled, and I frowned. Keeping this from Bailey? That was going to be the hardest thing in my life. She and I were the best of friends, I couldn't just keep something like my dating life from her! She would HATE me if she ever found out! But then again.. maybe she would understand. I nodded slowly, giving a half-hearted smile. "We can make this work." I mumbled out in a reassuring tone, but I was more talking to myself than anything. I looked into Niall's eyes and I could tell he was holding something back. I cocked my eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2013 ⏰

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