"Hey Denki, say fuck."

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(CW: curse words//but in a funny way//)

Class 1-A all knew how innocent Kaminari was in littlespace, despite his somewhat pervy behaviour when big. He was the sweetest little angel with not a single coherent thought in that smooth brain when he was little. He was everyone's favourite, including the grumpy old Aizawa (who gave the softest smiles to the small blond). No one thought to ever confuse or corrupt his cute little mind.

Except for his best friends, of course.

Everyone was early for class one day, Aizawa wasn't there to supervise and Kaminari had slipped into littlespace. It wasn't a big deal though since he had a set of his own worksheets (such as word searches and connect the dots and colour number pages) to do.

He was currently colouring a sunflower picture, completely unaware of his friends dinking around.

"Awe, look at our little Denki!" Mina cooed a few desks away. "Isn't he the cutest thing?"

Both Kirishima and Sero agreed, and while Shinsou and Bakugou stayed silent, the soft looks they sent the blonds way told them they thought the same.

"He's so innocent too." Jirou popped out of nowhere to comment. "Completely different than our normal Denki."

"He couldn't be naughty even if he tried!" Mina responded with a small giggle, still looking at a focused Denki with his tongue poking out in concentration.

Bakugou rolled his eyes at the two. "I bet you I can get him to say fuck."

Mina gasped and glared at Bakugou, Jirou backing her up as she said, "don't you dare."

"Why? Gonna lose the picture-perfect little baby in front of you? He's little, not stupid, he still knows 'naughty' things and I can prove it." He turned to call out to Kaminari. "Hey Denki, say fu--"

"Noooo!" Mina jumped forward and smacked her hands over Bakugou's mouth, sending him backwards with a muffled shout of surprise.

The pink-haired girl fell with him and they crashed to the floor wrestling each other.

That got Kaminari's attention, he looked back at them with concern. "Suki? Mimi?"

But Shinsou diverted his attention, feeling mischievous, he finished Bakugou's sentence. "Hey Denki, say fuck."

Nearly everyone in the room gasped, having paid attention the moment Mina tackled Bakugou to the floor. Jirou took the time to get up and wack a smirking Shinsou in the back of the head. Quickly trying to undo what Shinsou started, "Denki you don't ha--"

"Fuck?" Kaminari parroted, eyes big and round with curiosity. "What's that?"

A few laughs escaped some. Iida dramatically pretended to faint as Ochaco joined the charade and caught him before he hit the floor. Kirishima was about to cut his purple friend's head off and Sero just laughed like the enabling bystander he was.

"No Denki--" Kirishima tried to start but was cut off.

"Fuck fuck fukey fuck!" Kaminari was testing the word on his lips as he sang out. It sent the class in a frenzy, making him giggle like it was a big joke to him.

And it may have been funny at first, but the -making-the-little-swear-  concept died the moment Aizawa walked in and witnessed Kaminari curse without hesitancy.

Everyone went silent when they saw their teacher's death glare. "Kaminari... Come here."

Aizawa's glare lost its power the moment Kaminari swung around to face him, followed by a child-like call. "Hi, Uncle 'Zawa!"

It was a crime for little Kaminari to have that much power over their grouchy teacher.

Nonetheless, Aizawa's expression softened and he beckoned him over in a softer tone, "Come here kiddo."

Kaminari jumped from his seat and obediently toddled over, letting the older man sweep him into his arms and onto his lap once he took a seat. "Who told you to say that word, sweetie?" It seemed Aizawa already knew this wasn't Kaminari's own doing.

Kaminari immediately ratted them out. "'Suki and 'Toshi! They was teaching me a new word! Fuck!" He said proudly, completely oblivious to the meaning of what he was taught.

Aizawa's death glare had turned on again once he looked away from the blond and scaled over his students to find the trouble makers.

Mina had scuttled up from the floor and taken her seat by then, leaving a dumbfounded Bakugou lying there and a nervous Shinsou sitting at the desk behind him.

"Boys... that true?" His tone didn't make it sound much like a question. Aizawa's little angel already told him the truth, even if he didn't Aizawa would still believe him.

Since Shinsou was stuttering out apologies and Bakugou avoided his eyes, it told him everything he needed to know. "Clean up duty for the rest of the week for both of you."

Shinsou groaned and Bakugou let out a few quiet complaints but other than that, there was no argument. "Yes sir..." was both their response. Bakugou going to sit at his desk with intentional stomps.

Aizawa firmly nodded, ignoring Bakugou's passive-aggressiveness. Bringing his attention to Kaminari happily tugging on his sleeve. "Yes, little one?"

Kaminari smiled big. "I cowored a picture for you!" He bounced off his teacher's lap and raced to grab his paper, bringing it back in a flash. A couple of happy sparks escaping him as he rushed to push the picture into Aizawa's face. "Do yous wike It?! It's a sunfwower!"

"It's wonderful kidlet. Let me put it up on our wall, okay?" Aizawa took the drawing from the little and stood up, heading over to the wall filled with Kaminari's worksheets and artwork.

Before he could get there, Kaminari had swapped spots, now wiggling in his teacher's chair whining out. "Wait! I want to pway with Coco!"

Aizawa was quick to pull one of his desk drawers out and grab a particular stuffed animal and hand it over.

Coco was a calico cat stuffie with lots of coffee colours, hence its name. Kaminari squealed, hugging it and burying his face in the vanilla pre-scented stuffie. "Tank you, Uncle 'Zawa!"

"Anytime, angel." Aizawa ruffled his hair and resumed his previous task.

While Aizawa was preoccupied, Kaminari swung back around to stare at the two newly grumpy friends of his.

Only Bakugou and Shinsou caught it since everyone else was caught up in the sugary cuteness, but they saw Kaminari's pale lips curl into a hint of a knowing smirk. Eyes glimmering with just as much mischievous intent and arrogance as the two boys did mere moments before getting scolded.

Bakugou shouted out before he could stop himself, "HA! I knew It!" Pointing at the blond in triumph.

But only Bakugou and Shinsou saw it that way. The purple-haired boy watching with a defeated expression as his dad turned around to glare at them. "I don't want to hear a word from either of you for the rest of class, got It?" And just as quickly drew back to coddle Kaminari, whose smirk disappeared and was replaced with a puppy-eyed look and a gummy smile.

It seemed the little had everyone wrapped around his little finger.

Maybe little Kaminari wasn't as smooth-brained as they first thought.


Hi! I finally decided to share my new book I've been planning for the last little while! If you're from my agere one-shot book, thank you for being here! If not, be sure to check that one out if you like this story! It's very similar to this one but includes other littles and doesn't center around Kaminari.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

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