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Jungkook shouts Jimin's name. He had followed Jimin from his office until the ground floor. He knows that all of his staffs will gossip about what happened between him and Jimin, but he doesn't care about it. What he knows now is his husband, Jimin. Jimin misunderstood something about him and Soyeon just now. When they at outside of the company, he grabs Jimin's wrist and made Jimin stopped from walking.

"Baby wait!"

Jimin turned to look at Jungkook. "What?! Let me go!"

Jimin tried to loose his hand from Jungkook's grab. But, he knows that he can't do that because Jungkook has more strength than himself. But he tried to do it. And of course, Jungkook won't let Jimin go before listening to his explanation.

"Baby please.. Please listen to my explanation first.."

"What kind of explanation, Jungkook?!"

"It's not like what you saw..!"

Jimin loose his hand from Jungkook's grab. He takes a deep breath to accept what he saw just now. He looks at Jungkook with a disappointed face.

"No, you don't have to explain anything, Jungkook. I saw it with my own eyes. It's prove everything.."


Jimin bowed his head and looks down to his bump. He's now doesn't have any courage to looks at Jungkook's eyes. He rubs his baby bump while his eyes brims with tears. The true tears of disappointed. Jungkook saw Jimin's movement and he knows Jimin broke down because of what happened, but whatever it is, he has to explain the real incident.

"No wonder you always said that you are busy.. Busy treating your own ex, right?!"


"Too 'busy' and you leave me alone at home.."

"Baby.." Jungkook tried to hold Jimin's hand but Jimin pull his hand faster before Jungkook.

"Don't baby baby me, Jungkook.. The one who you should call baby is Soyeon, not me!" Said Jimin with his angry tone.

Jimin is so mad right now. Who is the person that doesn't mad when they found their own partner they trust so much cheating with other person in front of their own eyes? Jimin confirmed everyone will get mad to that and same goes to him.

"I'm truly busy, baby.. I'm not lying when I said that I'm busy with work.."

"You return to home at midnight because of work?"

"Yes, baby.."

"Or because busy treating other woman?!"


Jungkook shocked at Jimin's words. He never do what Jimin said just now. Yes, he's really busy with his works. But it's because he will take breaks later to take care of Jimin and their future baby. Not because of Soyeon or anyone else but for Jimin!

"What?! True right?!" Jimin replied back.

Jimin's tears started to flow down on his cheeks from his precious eyes. He's very disappointed of Jungkook.

"Please let me explain, baby please.."

Jimin wipes his tears. "I'm broken already, Jungkook. Even if you explain to me, your explanation means nothing."

"Baby.. You know that I love you.. Only you.. Nobody can replace your position in my heart.." Said Jungkook with his pleading voice. He's really need Jimin to listen to his explanation. He can't bear to see Jimin crying like this.

Jimin smirked. "Love?"

Jimin gathers up his courage and looks up Jungkook's face. "Thank you for today, Mr. Jungkook." And he takes steps to leave Jungkook.

When he saw Jimin walking towards his car and started to drive, he also went to his car to follow Jimin. He can't let Jimin drive in the situation like that. He must follow where Jimin goes. Jimin is mad and it's dangerous for him and also for the baby because he's driving with that angry and mad feelings.

"Why he did that to me! Why?!"

Jimin hit the car steering while crying because he felt very frust and angry. Jungkook never cheat on him. He was very faithful throughout their period of marriage. But why he changed after Soyeon appeared in their life? He once said that he will never come back to Soyeon no matter what. But what happened now? Where are the promises that he had made before? It's all gone.

"Baby.. Please pick up my call.."

On the other hand, Jungkook is now 2 cars behind Jimin. He had called Jimin multiple times but he never pick up his calls. He's very worried of Jimin's and their child's safety.

Jimin looks at his phone on his side. Jungkook still tried to call him but he won't pick it up. When he turns to the intersection there, he didn't notice a car speeding towards him. And in a second, his sight that were blurry because of tears now turned into a black sight. What is the last thing that he can see is his bloods on the street before he closes his eyes.

Jungkook makes an emergency stop when he saw the car that Jimin drove already crushed by other car. His heart breaks into pieces and suddenly, his tears flowing down on his cheek. He can't believe what he saw just now.

"Oh my god! Jimin!"

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