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******** The first three days are the best days that I don’t what to ever forget do you know why? Off course am the one telling the story let me narrate for you why they are my favourite.
So, day 1 it was around seven o’clock I went outside my hostel to pick a call since my room was full of crazy roommate’s how did not care about cell phone privacy, they always ears’ drop on people conversation but the call I was receiving needed some privacy.
“Hello, I can’t get you clearly”. I tried to be audible for the other person on the other end of the line could hear. But I think he disconnected as soon as possible. The night was cold and I did not want to waste time gazing at the stars since early teeth. I was rather in pain and I needed plenty of rest
But as I tried to find my way back into the hostel, I saw a guy standing up super-fast in a way it got me wondering if he was coming my way because it surely seemed like he was. I did not wait to find out dashed though my small gate. When I heard a voice from behind me.
“Mia” I heard a voice calling out
I suddenly froze on my tracks, I really had to know who it was, only to see a new face not familiar to any of the faces am so used to. I have to confess I was super freighted, since I was a lonely and hardly communicated with anyone.  I loved to keep it all to myself I always compared myself to a lonely wolf since I never wanted to try fit in, in a crowed. And I found peace in my   silence, as we stood there and there was a mood of silence to me it was like the world had stopped spinning for a moment. It was super quiet only the wind passed between us. At that moment what was running in my mind was just one question How do you know my name? I wanted to ask it super loud thought in my brain it really sounded super loud, but funny thing my lips did not even move an inch.
He finally broke the silence, “my name is Liam” he informed me
I did not take much interest in knowing his name since I was sure I will forget him as soon as possible plus I knew he would be like the rest of the guys I meet around try to get my attention but am never interested in any, I knew the next thing he was going to ask was for my number, which I will not hesitate to give him, he will then call to make sure I gave him the correct number. Then that will be the end.
******* Little did I know that…….
“Am Mia” I introduced my self
“Do you know how to ride a bike cycle?” he asked
I was surprised by the question I hardly expected something like that but I have to answer him in a way I don’t sound rude or impolite.
“Am sorry but NO!” I answered him
“Okey then, can I at list get you contact so that we may communicate.” He requested
He got his phone out of his sweat pants side pocket, unlocked it and handed it to me, I took the phone typed my phone number, returned his phone.
“Mia if you don’t mind to please escorted me to the shopping centre please?” he requested
I guess I did not think twice I just said “YES!”
“But first I have to rush tom my room and pick something be back.”
I rushed to my room changed into something warm, took my pills.
“Shall we!”  I said leading the way
The distance from the hostel to the shopping centre was a 10-minute walk.
The sky was super clear the star and the moon we super clear the wind grew stronger but the streets was lively. Street lights light up the way, everyone was buys doing what makes them happy.
The walk was rather short but interesting we talked about everything we could think at that moment I am not that talkative but Liam turned to be opposite of me. We finally reached where we were heading 
“Are you allergic to Kebab?” he asked

I could not stop smiling “no”
“You won’t mind having one then! “he cornered me with my words.
I nodded my head
“Two kebabs please?” he ordered
“One for you, one for me!” he said
The walk back was super quit since I was in pain and did not want to worsen the pain by opening my mouth (remember early that day I had visited the dentist)
We finally got back to the hostel where I dashed into my room without a good bye hug.
As soon as I entered the door all eyes were on without all wanted to know how it all went down but I was in no state to narrate the whole story they took the little that was left of the kebab and shared it among themselves.
There was  a party next door but pain took the best part of me I had to surrender my self

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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