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Jungkook pov

I was at the location that Somi send me . And if you will ask I have a tracker on her phone . Well Somi put a tracker on her phone so yeah .

This school was a kindergarten . I mean why would she be here at a kindergarten .

Maybe she has a niece or nephew . Right .

I was walking around until I bump into someone .

???: Owww

It was a little girl and she fell on the ground

She was cute .

???: Im sorry mister I didn't see you coming

She gave me pouty face and it was cute . She kinda reminds me of Lisa . The way she act cute is the same way this girl can do

Jungkook: it's ok .

I carried her so I can help her stand up .

???; Thank you mister

She bowed and give me a cute smile .

Jungkook: your a cute little baby girl

I pinched her cheek . She has chubby cheeks and it makes her giggle .

I don't know why she makes me happy . This is a new feeling I feel like there is something with her .

???: I guess I'll see you around mister . My brother is waiting for me goodbye mister

She bowed and she went to her class .

I just smiled like an idiot I don't know why I have this kind of feeling. 

I look at my watch it was 11:00 am . Maybe she isn't still here . I went back to my car and wait for her if she is here .

After a few minutes I was still in my car . But there was a car park in front of me . I passenger came out . It was a woman wear shades, scarf and a mask . The second passenger it was a man he was just wearing a mask and shades

The girl is familiar . It could be lisa . Because she has silky black hair

The woman walk away from there with the man .

I went out of my car wearing a mask too

I followed them wearing mask and shades .

They were going to the meeting I guess this is an parents assembly .

What are they even doing here .

They went inside of a classroom I guess that's where the parents assembly is .

I walk away  from there I should wait for them .

I was at the playground and seeing kids play with each other makes me smile .

I suddenly remember something

Flashback 5 years ago

We are at my room . We are talking about our future .

Lisa :jagiya if we will have kids how many will you want

I look at her

Jungkook: I don't know actually . How about 4

She shot a glare and hit my chest . Making my held my chest

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