Chapter 20

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There was a long awkward pause in the car before Kaiden decided to break the silence

"You know that I am going to get it out of you one way or another.Don't you Little One?"

"Can't believe you'd still call me that"
I told him pretty much everything that had happened that day.The breakdown that Sam had in the library and the conversation I had with Julian afterwards.

"You know that he loves Scarlett don't you?"

"I do and I love her too.I love her so much but Sam is important for me too and I can't see her like this.Scar's not here and I dunno maybe she has a boyfriend in Philly."I protested which is pretty much what I had done with Julian too.

"Yes but you can't force him to give her a chance when he doesn't want to."

"I am not forcing him to give her a chance but can't you see it.There is something between them.Can't you see that he is different around her.He is protective and caring towards her."
"It's Julian we're talking about.He's like that with everyone and you've not seen him around Scar.The way he is with Samantha is nothing compared to that.You don't know what it was like between them.Hell!You didn't even know they were in a relationship before that stupid game of truth and dare ok.So don't try to pretend you know what's best for everyone when you clearly don't."
I was stunned into silence.I wasn't trying to pretend I know what's best for everyone.I was just trying to be helpful.I was trying to keep everyone happy.If Julian and Scarlett really loved each other that much then I was being unfair to my sister by trying to force Julian to give Sam a chance but when Kaiden said that out loud it hurt.I didn't realize that Kaiden thought us playing Truth or Dare on his birthday was stupid.

We were greeted by Mr and Mrs Cavanagh at the gate who were asking both of us what we did on his birthday after they had left.Kaiden was talking to them but I wasn't in the mood.So I just told Mrs Cavanagh that I was not feeling well and that I really needed to rest and went upstairs.Then I heard a knock on my door and I instantly knew it was Kaiden.

"Go away.I'm not in the mood right now"

"Please let me talk to you Pen"

"Not right now.We can talk when you come back"



And then he went away and I knew he would come at 8 pm because that's what he did every Monday.He disappeared for 4 solid hours without anyone knowing where he was.I found it weird but I never asked because I believed that he would tell me where he went himself if he really wanted to.I didn't want him to feel obligated to share things with me just because I was his girlfriend.I really hoped he was not doing something wrong.I figured that some sleep would do me some good so I just shut my mind and tried to sleep.

It was Kaiden woke me up at 9 pm.
"We need to talk"his voice was calm as usual and I was as irritated as he was calm

"I guess we do"I replied

"Look I am sorry for the way I spoke to you in the car"he said his voice as calm as it was before

"Are you!"I said fiercely

"I know you want what's best for both Scarlett,Julian and Samantha but I think we should let them handle their love lifes on their own.I really don't wanna fight with you over someone else's relationship"he whispered

"I think you're right and I am sorry too.I didn't wanna mess things up so much"I said realizing my mistake

"It's ok.I realize that I was very rude too Bambi"

"Why do you call me that.Bambi,I mean"I asked completely wanting to change the topic

"Because you're cute as a dear.I always thought so.Even when we were kids"he said with a smile and then without any warning he kissed me.I can't begin to describe what it was like to kiss the man of my dreams.The man of every girl's dreams.It was sweet and gentle and passionate and tender and innocent and hearty all at the same time.

"Ok now you have to tell me the moment you actually fell in love with me Bambi"he said amused at how hard I was blushing and that just made me more embarrassed.

"I had started liking you long time back but the moment I actually fell in love with you was when we went and vandalized that wall"I replied as soon as I found my voice back.

"That moment was really special too but I fell in love with you the day we danced at your welcome home party.I always thought you didn't like me.You never let your feelings come on the surface did you"he said with a smirk and just like that Kaiden made himself comfortable on my bed,next to me and we continued to talk for hours after that.

The next morning when I woke up I saw that Kaiden had fallen asleep next to me.

"Wake up Kaiden it's time for school"

"Mmmm"he said rolling to the other side of the bed

"Kaiden it's time for school.Wake up"

"Mmmm"he said again

"WAKE UP!"I yelled at the top of my lungs.He shuddered a little as he woke up rubbing his eyes

"Who shouts like that at her boyfriend"

"It's 7:35am.We just have 25 minutes before school starts"

"What!"Kaiden picked up the alarm clock and his eyes widened as he saw the time."

Kaiden rushed to his room and we got ready as fast as we could.When we left the house it was already 7:55 am.
"You really need to drive fast today"I said anxiously.

"Don't worry Bambi.I already know that"

It took Kaiden only 3 to 3.5 seconds to accelerate the speed of his car from zero to 60 mph and it took us exactly 5 minutes to reach school whereas everyday it took us 20 minutes to do the same.We both rushed to our respective classroom.It was American History for me.As I seated myself the only thing on my mind was that how did Kaiden drive so fast.I had never seen him drive like that but it felt like he had had years of practice.Almost like......almost like he was a car racer.But that just wasn't possible was it?

"Ah Miss Wintergarden!Can you answer my question"I stood up as Mr Taylor called my name

"Uh...Can you please repeat the question sir"

"You were not paying attention were you.I could see that.This kind of behavior is not expected from you Penelope"

"I'm sorry"I said as I sat down feeling humiliated.

Hey guys!

First of all I would like to thank you all for reading my story and I really hope you are enjoying it so far.

The next update will be on Saturday!

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See you soon;)

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