Chapter 17

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This chapter is in Kaiden's point of view.Enjoy;)

I don't know they were making such a big deal out of my birthday.It wasn't like it was something special.So I put on a black tuxedo.This morning I had told Julian that I would be asking Pen to be my girlfriend tomorrow but now I wanted to do it today.

She had done a lot to make my birthday special and I didn't even know the whole plan right now.If they were asking me to get dressed then that meant they had something else planned too.I was never the type of the guy who feels nervous about absolutely anything but right now I was literally sweating.

What if she thought of me as a friend?I'd just embarrass myself and make things awkward between us.But she hadn't stopped me from almost kissing her in the hallway a few days ago.What if she felt the same?I took out a chocolate from my backpack,put it in the back pocket of my tux and went outside.Julian and Samantha were sitting on the sofa waiting for Pen.

"Are you going to take the whole night to get ready"Samantha called out

"Just 2 more minutes guys"she replied
My jaw dropped open when she finally came out.She looked drop dead gorgeous wearing a short,light pink backless dress which had a very thin strap in the front exposing her perfect arms.I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Can't get enough of me,huh?"she said cockily.That was usually something I did but today I couldn't find the right words to tease her.I just couldn't.

"You look stunning"

"Thank you but I already know that"

"Guys if your flawless love story is over can we just go upstairs.I am very hungry"Julian said

"Ok where are we going and what exactly do you mean by you're hungry"I asked curious as to what they had planned.

"Nothing!!Just follow me to the terrace"Pen said glaring at Julian and hushing him.

She took my hand and dragged me upstairs while the other two followed us.When we reached the terrace I absolutely dazed

"You did all of this yourself"I whispered

"Your mother helped me a little.She wanted it to be perfect too"she replied smiling.

The terrace was decorated with blue and white fairy lights,both of them being my favorite colours,and silver balloons of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"and "18"were lying neatly on the ground.In the centre of the terrace there was a small table with four chairs around it and a bucket containing four bottles of champagne was right in the middle of it with all sorts of cutlery surrounding it.

"Shit"she said suddenly

"I forgot to bring the food from downstairs.I'll be back in a moment"

"I'll come with you"Sam added

They both scurried downstairs.

"Julian I think I'm gonna propose her right now"

"But you said tomorrow"

"I know but I want to do it right now.Besides the timing is perfect.I have the chocolate too"I winked
"Ok.Great then.That'd be perfect"
We both stopped talking when we heard footsteps and in a minute the girls appeared holding to bowls of pasta.As they came closer I realized that it was not just pasta.It was lemon garlic pasta.My absolute favorite!
"Italian"I said excitedly.A sweet smile spread across her face.

"Let's go to the table.We can eat our food and after that we can play truth or dare"Samantha said

"That's the perfect plan but before that there's something I need to do"I gave Julian a hopeful look and he grabbed Sam's hand pulling her a little backwards so that it was me and Pen in the middle of the terrace right next to the table she'd set for dinner.I got down on one knee.The smile on her lips faded away and it made me a little nervous but it was too late to back out now.So I said what I had in mind

"Bambi....I am not good at this because I have never had to ask anyone to be my girlfriend.It happened automatically.Girls assumed they were my girlfriend when I started spending time with them and I let it happen because I was lonely but with you it's different.I can see that you like me but that doesn't mean that you agree with me on everything or tail me around like every other girl does.Hell you didn't even ask me to dance with you at the last party that was thrown at my house"I rolled my eyes as I said that but I did it because I knew it annoyed the shit outta her in a good way

"You are pliable but never afraid to speak your mind.So my point're different and I love you for that.Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"I said in a breath.

For a moment she looked at me as if she'd seen a ghost.I became more and more nervous every second.I had messed it up.She didn't love me and I had messed our friendship up.Shit!!!
But then I saw a broad smile spreading across her face and her eyes beaming with pleasure as she put a lock of her hair behind her ear with her right hand.She seemed to be nervous too.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend.I don't even remember how long I've dreamt of this moment"she said shyly.
"You just made me the happiest man alive"I said and I was really so happy that instead of hugging her I picked her up in my arms.In response she wrapped her arms around my neck and folded her knees behind her back.We looked into each others eyes for a long time an then Samantha decided to ruin the best moment of my life by clearing her throat.
"Guys I am sorry to interrupt but we're here too.You guys can continue later"she said and I gently placed her down.I could see her blush from the corner of my eye but decided to save her from further embarrassment by not acknowledging it.

We went and had our dinner in silence.I decided to hold her hand under the table and she held it back because of which she had to eat with her left hand.

"Now time for truth and dare!!!!"Julian said opening his bottle of champagne while we did the same.

"I'll start"Sam piped in

"Pen truth or dare"

"Let someone tickle you and try not to laugh"she said

"I'll do that"I said with a smirk and without any warning I started tickling her.She tried very hard not to laugh but at the end she failed and started giggling.

"See you lost"I said

"I'll always lose in front of you"she replied.

"Kaiden truth or dare"

"Truth please"

"Why did your last relationship break down"

"Because we were not compatible"I looked at Pen assuming that she would want to know who it was with.

"It was with Natalie"I said and she nodded.I figured she had no problem with that.

"Julian truth or dare"


"What's the weirdest place you've made out in and with whom"I said

Julian looked at Samantha and then at Pen with a look of hesitation in his eyes and I realized what his answer was to the whom part.This was the worst time to ask that question.

Hey guys!

First of all I would like to thank you all for reading my story and I really hope you are enjoying it so far.

The next update will be on Saturday!

If you guys like my story then please go and vote for it.It really motivates the author!:)

Also comment your thoughts on the story below.Super excited to know.

See you soon;)
Ps:I changed the setting from rooftop dinner to dinner at the terrace because that seemed more appropriate for the situation

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