Bonus Chapter

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Arav sighs for the nth time that day, having taken a day off from the shoot, currently looking at Mahi with narrowed eyes who seems unbothered by his request of "can you come here for a moment?"

"Who're you talking to, bro?" The said woman replies.

"No, stop calling me 'bro'." He whines getting up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen counter where Mahi is working on her script while feeding herself some juice.

"Not happening, br-" and before Mahi can finish up the sentence, she is being carried away by arms wrapped around her waist and legs flailing in the air, several centimetres above the ground, hand dropping the pen and the glass of juice thankfully standing safe on the counter.

"Arav! Put me down." She shrieks, hitting at his arm but his hold doesn't deter, not until he unceremoniously drops Mahi on their bed, making her look up at him with a frown on her face and arms crossed across her chest.

"I told you to not call me 'bro'." He says with an eyebrow raised and Mahi answers him with a sweet smile before she bites at the finger that Arav's pointing at her, making him retract his hand, waving it incessantly in the air.

"Ouch! Now I know why my baby has begun to bite every toy he sees. He observes you 24/7."

The accusation has Mahi rolling her eyes. "Excuse you, he's my baby now and his mother is such a great personality, no doubt he'll copy me." She says poking out her tongue and expects Arav to do the same in return. But that sentimental fellow definitely doesn't do that, instead gazes at her with fond, extremely fond eyes, a smile on his lips, and an 'aww' ready to dribble out of his mouth.

Mahi facepalms, shaking her head. "No, now don't get sappy on me. We were having a healthy banter. Why do you have to look at me like that every time?" She whines, which only makes Arav's smile curve a bit more.

He bends to her level, paralleling his head to hers. "Like what?"

His voice is extremely soft which ok, might have made Mahi melt a little but she still can't ignore the cheesiness of the situation. Gently booping her nose with his, she deadpans. "You need to stop using those dialogues at home. I'm gonna puke."

Giggling as she gets up, she sees Arav still standing there, shaking his head fondly to himself, definitely wondering why did he have to amend his decision of choosing candy cigarettes over her, atleast those candies wouldn't have roasted him all the time.

Chuckling, as Mahi's gaze falls on her watch, her eyes widen, hands beckoning Arav. "It's already time. He'll be out in five minutes and we still have to leave the house."

By 'he' Mahi means Mihir. The same babbling baby who used to smear her lipstick on her face and his hands is now three years old. Well, three years and four months to be precise. Forget about the lipstick, now he doesn't even smear the pencil marks on the paper. He's a "big bwoy, I can ewase it by meswelf, mumma." And they (Mahi and Arav) would be picking up the said boy from his preschool for the first time. First time because before this, for the first four to five weeks of the preschool, they had been staying outside the door of Mihir's classroom, despite Arav being famous, like some of the parents who didn't want to leave their pampered babies alone at the school. Nobody had minded the actor's presence and after the first week, no one even bothered to approach him for an autograph, already used to his presence. Mihir had been adamant on making them stay as well, eyes immediately pooling with tears if his parents so much as shifted a little from their position.

Both Arav and Mahi didn't mind waiting as it was only for two hours, neither did they want Mihir to be left alone, understanding their baby's situation all too well.

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