The Tickets

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Characters: Ally, Olivia, Valerie, Katherine, Allyson

~~~~Chapter 1~~~~

~~~~Ally Pov.~~~~

I called Katherine as soon I was done purchasing the tickets. I knew she would flip.

"Hey Shorty!" I told her, a million things flying threw my head. " Hey Tally. Wassup?" she replied. I said, " Oh, just got done buying five tickets to One Directions concert." I was right. She flipped. "Holy penguins, you bought tickets? What am I supposed to wear? What do you think if I wore a bright pink shirt to stand out? Are they doing a signing? How should I wear my hair? Should I... Why are you giggling?" It was true, I was laughing my head off. I told her " You think about that while I call Olivia. She'll flip too." "I did not flip-" I hung up because I knew she had too much to think about.

"Hey Olive. Just wanted to let you know I want you to come to the concert. Katherine is going too." " What concert?", she replied. "1 Direction's! Who elses would I take you to?", I answered. She didn't completely flip but she did. She sounded like an over excited dog. "Gah! When? Where?" "Sprint Center, and next week. I was wondering if you could call Allyson and Valerie for me." I said. "Kk," she answered," see you soon." "Bye-bye", I said as I hung up.

~~~~Olivia P.O.V.~~~~

"I'm going! I'm going!", I yelled to whoever would listen. "Your going! To where?", said my annoying older brother Sean in a sarcastic voice. "FYI, I'm going to a certaint british boyband's concert that contains a certaint irish member.", I said hoping seceretly that Ally would pull some strings and get us backstage. "Well how about that! But how are you going to pay for your ticket? If you got money from us then you would be in even more dept. Remember that poster of Justin Bieber that you just had to have?", said my dad. Damn, sometimes I just wish he wasn't so straight to the point. "I'll be right back. I have to call Allyson and Harry lover a call because they are going to." "Do you mean Val?", said Sean. I just ignored him and ran up the stairs to my room with the phone.

"So you can! I'll tell Ally! Bye!", I said trying to end the conversation, "Oh but Olive wait wa-". I got tired of waiting for her. Ok, so Allyson and Valerie can go. I'll tell Ally after my lunch nap.

~~~~Niall p.o.v.~~~~

"Hey guys! I got it! The twist for the next show!", I yelled. "What?", Liam yelled back. "Ok, we should do something like Justin Bieber's 'One Less Lonely Girl' Thingy! We would have one girl for each of us and we would sing 'It's Gotta Be You'! Do you likey?", I said. "Thats ingenious Niall!", Liam said excitedly, "We could give them flowers too! Think of those lucky five girls will feel, I can't wait!" I was so proud of myself to think of that. Maybe now they'll take up more of my ideas like giving them all Nando's Gift cards.

"Ok, lets go tell the planner person. They'll put it in the concert shedule.", Harry said. Zayn and Louis said they'd go and complete the task. I did a small victory dance then headed towards the snack bar.

~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~

Ok, so I just reread my 1st chapter and was pretty suprised with my work. It was better than I expected. So I hope you like my next chapter, :-), It skips to the concert. I'll say no more so go and read it as soon as I get it out there.

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