Get to know me

25 4 2
  • Dedicated to To The Boy Who Is Gone But No Longer TAken

~~~Zayn's P.O.V.~~~

I knew we had to keep singing, but at the moment, that seemed impossible. I tried to break away but she was too breath-taking. She smiled shyly and this made me smile. I decided to start singing because I knew that I would see her again if this was love I was feeling. Me and Perrie had just broken up last month. It wasn't me who decided to go, we decided that the relationship felt more of a friendship so now we are just friends. We were both happy with the decision. This, the feeling I was feeling with this angel infront of me, was even more love than I was feeling with Perrie. And thats a lot of love. I started singing and I saw Liam stutter to a start but then relizied what was happening and then went full blare.

At Louis' part, he had finally torn away from his girl and sang. It kinda looked like Niall's girl was about to faint. He put his arm around her and wispered something in her ear. She said something in his and he smiled and nodded his head. Not letting go of the girl, she kinda blacked out. He looked over at me and I shrugged. He shook her shoulders and she blinked rappedly and then blushed relizing what just happened to her.

At the time we practiced, we handed our girls the flowers. I notist that a gift card had been placed in the boquets, I looked closer to find the Cheese Cake Factory gift cards that Niall had bought last night. I had been wondering what he had done with those.

After the song ended, we guided the girls off stage and they went back to their seats. Niall told me as we walked back that they had backstage passes so we would be able to talk to them again after the show. We proceded with the rest of the concert but we seemed to be rushed to end it. I can admit, I wanted to see that girl again more than anything.

After the concert, we all waved good-bye to the fans and ran off stage, eager to see the girls we saw before. By now everyone who had a backstage pass was lined up and Pushing to get their picture taken first. I said hi and hugged about 50 girls. I was starting to wonder where the girls were when I saw them smiling at the end of the line. They were smart to be at the end so they wouldn't be rushed. I was broken out of my thoughts when Niall nugded me. I went back to hugging excited girls and taking pictures with them.

~~~Olivia's P.O.V.~~~

It seemed like hours before we were at the front. I know the boys know just about nothing about us. I mean, they don't even know our names! I was excited just as any other girl, but in a way, Niall kinda knew me. I know your thinking WHAT? THEY ARE RELATIVES? No. I am Irish and he is Irish. I fainted in his arms.It seemed like hours before the end of the line became the front. I ran up and hugged Niall and the other girls to another boy. ~A.N. just incase you for got, Allyson- Louis

Valerie- Harry

Ally- Liam

Olivia- Niall

Katherine- Zayn

Haley- Josh~

We sat down and had an honesty hour. It was mostly us talking since we knew just about everything about them. It seemed to soon when we had to go. We said good-bye and hopped into Valerie's Sis's car. Once we were settled Ally pulled out a small slip of paper that had some letters and numbers. She asked Val's sis to drop us off at some hotel suite. Once we were all out of the car she led us into the lobby and told the receptionist that we were visiting somebody. I had absolutly no clue what she was doing. All I knew is that it is late and I am SUPER tired.

~~~Ally's P.O.V.~~~

I lead the girls over to the elevaor and pressed the button 3. They all started asking me what we were doing and I just stopped them and said, "I was smart and asked Liam where they were staying so we could see them again." They all smiled and nodded. I led them to Liam's room and knocked. I heard some russling and the door slowly opened. I saw Zayn peek out and then he threw the door open, revealing a messy hotel room. He welcomed us in and pulled Katherine into a tight hug. They were SOO adorable together! I walked in and found Liam rushing around his room tidying it up. I knocked on the already open door and he looked up at me and then to his room and back. "Sorry it's such a mess. I forgot That the room was so messy."He told me. I replied, "It's ok, I could say the same thing about my room at home." I helped him clean up then we headed to the living room thing and saw all the other boys tidying up everywhere.

After about ten minutes we had the whole place spik and span. we kinda just sat there, not knowing what to do next. After awhile Olivia said, "Akward silence." Which started that off. *clap clap clapclapclap* "Akward turtle." *weeooweeooo* "Make akward baby turtles!" The boys just kinda stared at us and then Louis said, "Where in the world did you get that?" And we all just laughed. We decided on just playing twenty questions. In my mind, it just wondered. 'Do they like us? Are we too silly for them? Naw, they're just as silly as us. Does Liam like my the way I like him? Will we never see each other again once he goes to houston? They'll do the same exact thing there too. What if this is for publisity and they'll just break our hearts? Did Zayn just ask me something? Do all girls feel this way around guys they like?' I was snapped out of my thoughts by Louis tickleing me. "EEEEEEEKK!" I skreeched as the laughter and pain filled my emotions. Louis noticed I had snapped out of it and stopped. Tickleing me was a VERY bad choice on his part. I puts my hands into fists and glared at him. Once he got the message I stood up and he ran like the devil was chasing him. I followed him through the hotel at him running pace and eventually I pounced on him and tackled him to the floor. I punched his chest with all the strength I could muster. "Oh, I forgot to say, she hates being tickled and will put you in the hospital if you do." Katherine said with a smile. "Thanks for the warning Katherine." He wheezed out. Haha, well diserves him right.


Hey! Please don't hate me for spliting Zayn and Perrie!!!!!! I love Zerrie but in order for the story to work, I couldn't have them together! Please don't hunt me down and hate on me! ANYWAY next chapter, since I promised Haley I'd have her and Josh, there will be a lot of different time periods. First i will go back and do Haley and Josh then back to One Direction because since I LOVE Elounor, i don't know if i should split them or not. So that will be next chapter's drama. Too much said. See ya and I'll update at 3 reads and 3 votes. :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2013 ⏰

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