Your little face(Cilan x Ingo)

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Yes I know everyone hates Cilan but I wanted to do this so..

Cilan sighed. He knew it had been a while since he had actually baked something, but he wouldn't expect Ingo of all people to actually be fantastic at baking. Not like he was jealous or anything, more surprised. "Earth to Cilan? You there?" He looked down at the boy in the hat for a second before snapping out of it. "Okay, okay. I was in a little daydream, but I'm still here, Ingo!" Ingo smiled and put a dollop of frosting on Cilan's nose.

"Ingo, please tell me your face isn't a mess." Cilan sighed for the second time today, and Ingo quickly pulled his hat down to cover his face. "It isn't..I swear." He replied, giggling beneath the felt. Cilan struggled to pull the hat off from Ingo(who had a surprisingly strong grip) before taking it off and revealing his face, covered with little splashes of frosting that had spilled out the bowl.

"Really, Innie, you gotta be more careful." Cilan muttered while wiping the frosting off Ingo's face. "And the next tme we bake or make something that has an ingredient that could go everywhere, I'm not trusting you with it in case you get it all over your little face." Ingo just looked up and stared. "My face isn't that small." Cilan snickered. "Oh really? Your face isn't small?" He then proceeded to cup Ingo's face in his hands. Ingo squirmed and shook and bit, but eventually stopped resisting. "Do you see my point? And also, you didn't need to bite.. Your teeth are pretty sharp, you know? And you really shouldn't bite anywhere else." Cilan shivered.

"Cilan, you've still got frosting on your nose." Ingo stood on his tip toes and licked it off. "Oh come on, Ingo." Cilan then lifted up Ingo's chin and put frosting in his mouth, then gave him a kiss.

Yikes I can't write for shit

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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