What can we expect?

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Chapter 79

Sarah: So Kara-sama, you haven't told me why you're doing this to the Holy Kingdom.

Me: It's better this way though. It isn't about money or land. It's about sending a message.

Sarah: Couldn't we do that ourselves? Why are we waiting for Ainz Ool Gown to arrive? We have the manpower, the strength, the connections and drive.

Me: True, but if we are to assimilate Ainz Ool Gown, then they must have a role in all of this.

Sarah: And the Holy Kingdom is that role?

Me: Technically the Lizards as well but that's kind of like an introductory phase. To get them into role and practice before moving onto the big stage.

Sarah: Sure, ok, but what's this whole business with starving out the Holy Kingdom?

Me: It just happens to fit in with what I've been trying to accomplish. Everyone already knows that the Arcanian Empire is better but not many see the need for why they need the Empire.

Sarah: Keep going.

Me: Remember the first few months when people when the people were confused as to why we were acting like the Holy Kingdom's lackey's? As if we couldn't get enough of their attention or anything.

Sarah: If I remember correctly, you wanted to provide aid with food and medical supplies. You offered them trade and technology even. Finally, you asked them first for an official alliance and offered to donate some of your human soldiers as well. Did I name them all?

Me: There were a few more, but you know the main gist. Anyway, we pulled some strings to make sure that the Holy Kingdom would reject them all, and insult us while we're at it.

Sarah: You manipulated them into insulting you?

Me: Just so it can trigger a few of our people, but yeah. Basically. Anyway, we threatened them back and told them that even if there was a world ending situation, we would never offer them help.

Sarah: I remember, didn't they make that day into a national holiday or something? Their propaganda painted it as some form of political victory or something.

Me: I personally don't understand how not accepting aid from a foreign nation when they are in dire need of them could count as a political victory, but that's that. Anyway, with them declining that as well, we did our part. We have a legitimate excuse to stay out and not give a shit about what's going to happen to them.

Sarah: And so, going back to the main point.

Me: We're going to show the world why they need the Empire. Not just the money, the new innovations and the acceptance...but rather the power we hold to protect what we hold dear.

Sarah: How does Ainz Ool Gown come into all this?

Me: Easy. Jaldabaoth

POV Diana

As I think back on our actions, I realized that we changed too much...could we really be said to be the same curious and clueless girls who were thrown into the One Piece world?

Well, I guess we weren't thrown into it but rather we asked for it. I would never regret the choice we made, but I knew that we were different.

Leaning back on my swinging chair facing Kara, who was sipping on some lemonade, I decided to ask her.

Me: Kara, what are we?

Kara: In what context? As in our species, role, or moral?

Me: Whatever you want.

Kara: Are you facing an existential crisis right now? What's bothering you sis?

Me: I just thought about how we came to be. We were...normal. Civilians really, living a normal life until the government fucked us up.

Kara: We entered the next world with the feeling of betrayal and injustice. That was what we were so fixated on.

Me: Do we stand for the same things now? We are no longer Admirals. We're not the Monarchs that offered Safe Haven for everyone. Just a few years ago we slaughtered over a hundred thousand people for sins we didn't check if they committed or was guilty about.

Kara was silent for a bit. I could tell she was thinking about it really hard. In reality, we didn't need to ask ourselves this. Unlike mortals, we knew exactly where we would go if we actually do manage to die —> Right back to ??

Kara: ...we're not different. We changed a lot, but our reasoning and core is still the same us. No amount of deaths have changed that.

Me: Why do you think so?

Kara: If it was us before that 'incident', we would have just laid back and enjoyed our lives as the equivalent of this world's billionaires. But we're not; we're going through the work and stress to make this world a better place, or at least our version of it.

Me: And all the lives we've sacrificed?

Kara: Taken responsibility for. All those I've killed by mine own hand has been cleansed of their sin through the cycle before sending them into the sea of reincarnation...of course there are a few exceptions to the rule. This ability does put off a lot off my shoulders in regards to guilt though. It's like I'm not really killing them in a way.

Me: So what does that make us?

Kara: We might be rulers now, or warriors, goddesses. Hundreds of different titles throughout the ages but we always strived for the same goal didn't we? We didn't change sis. Our method might have, and our appearances and strength. Heck, even our race...but here.

She poked my chest where my heart was.

Kara: We're the very same naive police rookies who spilled coffee on her boss on the first day of work.

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