Some Minor Changes

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Chapter 58

Couple Months Back...In the Re-Estize Kingdom

POV Henry, Guard for the 8 Fingers organization

Guard 2 : Dressrosa!! Dressrosa is here!! Arrgghhh!

Strange ghost like entities cut him down like nothing before the brothel was overrun by them. One after another, they were all killed in a gruesome manner.

Dressrosa? What was Dressrosa doing here? I might be nothing but a guard but I heard enough about them to know what they were...the biggest power in the Underworld, easily taking over the already existing and established 8 Fingers in a matter of weeks.

The 8 Fingers had to completely withdraw their arms deal in order to just survive an encounter with Dressrosa. Once, they tried to steal some of their weapons to see how they manufactured them. The result was...

Every member who was sent there was brutally murdered. If that was it, then we would have understood it but they created an art out of it. The bodies were crunched up and mushed together in such a way it spelled...'Missing 8 Fingers?' That was when we withdrew from that area entirely.

But what were they doing here? Despite their brutality, Dressrosa, for all we knew didn't engage in Drugs or slave trafficking. Did they perhaps change their minds? To defend against them...we would need all 6 Arms at the very least!

Then, a man spotted me. was a lich, and elder one at that one too.

Lich: There's a survivor. Good...bring him here.

Ghost soldiers grabbed me by my collar as I was dragged over in front of the lich. He had a rotting face, a cloak to cover that up and a magnificently crafted staff. A thin golden rod with many jewelry with exquisite craftsmanship decorated the top. It seemed unfitting that something like a lich should have it...but who was I to judge.

Lich: Now...we can make this quite simple. We are looking for someone called Hilma. Where is she?

Hilma-sama? Were they interested in the drug market now? or perhaps the connections she has with the nobles of the Kingdom?

Lich: It's a very simple question young man...

He reached out his bony hands and touched me, with a black misty substance making contact with my skin...


It burned. Not like fire or ice but it burned. It burned who I was, my identity and mind.

Lich: You see? A powerful undead like myself can cause passive pain and damage by my negative aura. You, on the other hand, are too weak to damage me. Now, let us continue.

Will they let me live either way?

POV Lich

He lasted 30 seconds. An impressive feat for someone who has nothing to win if he doesn't tell us. I wonder why, but now we had the locations of everyone we needed.

As a will of good faith, we didn't kill him. We just wiped his entire memory of who he is and everything. In a way, this was worse but he begged me not to kill him so this was the way he left me to do it.

Me: Doflamingo-sama?

Doflamingo: Give me the coordinates.

Me: Of course...

I passed on the numbers and I could tell he opened a gate directly to the 6 Arms. It was our role to extract Hilma during that time.

Me: Come on men, we still have work to do.

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