4: Holmes and Watson

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Later in the week, their day at the funeral parlor was considerably slow, keeping in mind The Queen's Guard Dog had not caught the prostitute murderer that went by 'Jack the Ripper'.

"You know, I'm not sure what the deal is about serial killers, but there seem to be so many of them. I hardly feel safe walking home anymore, all of these blood-thirsty or fame hunting psychos." Lucretia rambled as she skimmed over a book she brought to work. She assumed the Undertaker wasn't listening, but he was.

"Dearie you'll come to realize just how unsafe you are with the customers that come through here and receive our care," he spoke, the image coming to mind of his apprentice walking home from work every night, nervously looking over her shoulder every time she would think she heard something.

"I think that's the only time you've been serious since I've been here," she looked up from her book that she was reading to pass the time.

Before he got the chance to respond, Ciel and his butler, Sebastian came through the shop door, ringing its bell as they entered.

"Oh look, he's not hiding this time," Ciel muttered but obviously meant to be heard.

"Yes?" Lucretia asked.

The Undertaker returned to his normal, resting grin that sat on his face in the presence of possible clients, "Here to be fitted for a coffin yet, Lord?"

"No, we came back to see if you know anything else on these murders. Lucretia, you were right, there is a link with the hospital and murders." he answered.

"Was I?" she asked in disbelief. Sebastian nodded to answer.

"Well you know I have my price," The Undertaker giggled as he tapped his nails rhythmically on the coffin shaped desk.

"Fine," the boy grumbled.

Sebastian stepped forward, "I have a joke for you."

"It's the suspenders," Lucretia chuckled as she whispered to the Undertaker who returned a laugh. To Lucretia's surprise, the butler asked his master to leave the shop so that he could tell his joke. Clearly, the one he had was not meant for young ears.

Ciel was allowed back inside after Sebastian finished telling a wildly inappropriate joke that made the Undertaker's sides sore and Lucretia's face red.

"It's all the same stuff really, the girls are terribly mutilated but their uteruses are also removed oddly," the Undertaker provided information as he promised and there was a long pause. "I'm not really sure why you came back anyways." He sighed and looked at his nails for imperfections, noticing his black polish chipping slightly.

"So they all had a hysterectomy before being killed?" she turned to her boss and turned her book over.

"Yes. It seems that way..." Undertaker answered with a nod in her direction before turning to the Phantomhive's.

Sebastian and his master huddled together and whispered to each other, attempting to come up with a game plan. When they both stood up straight, Sebastian spoke, "Miss Lucretia, my master would like to know if you would assist us in the apprehension of the murderer."

"And what would that entail exactly?" she furrowed her brows with hesitation, already knowing she probably wouldn't like the answer to her question.

"You'll be the bait," Sebastian smiled innocently while the Undertaker's signature grin fell to an unamused frown.

"Oh I don't think so, I'm a terrible actress. I get so nervous about any little thing. I'm not even a prostitute," she began to ramble. She nervously played with the charm of her necklace, trying to come up with any excuse not to, even if she felt selfish for it.

"I can assure that you will be kept safe by us," Ciel looked to his butler for confirmation who nodded.

"I still don't know, I could get hurt, I mean what is a butler going to do up against a murderer?" she scoffed, trying to deflect the situation so she could get out of saying no and simply have the request be taken back.

"Miss, I am no ordinary butler," he reassured, hand on his chest. Sebastian's claim did nothing for her worries; she didn't really believe that a polite butler could keep her safe from a murderer. To Lucretia, Sebastian was just a glorified errand-boy.

"Undertaker? What do you think," she turned to him.

"I think it'll be interesting," he forced a smile as if he went along with it; having his apprentice being put in danger was the last thing he wanted to do today.

"You will be handsomely paid for your help," Ciel raised an eyebrow at her, catching her attention.

"Could you please give me some time to think about it?" she asked as she nervously played with a strand of her hair.

"Absolutely, but please be in contact with us within the next twenty four hours about your decision," the Earl answered as his butler walked over, giving her a business card with a phone number at the bottom.

And with that, the Earl left, butler in tow.

"I don't like this at all," Lucretia let out a big sigh as she stared down at the business card. The Undertaker responded with a hum, sounding as if he didn't care either way. "Well what do you think?" She really needed a reason to reject the offer for the sake of her own safety, but guilt was starting to outweigh her as she considered that this murderer killed her neighbor. Maybe she should help...

"I think we should fit you for a coffin," he forced a laugh.

Prayers For Rain (Undertaker x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now