15: Flesh for Fantasy

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(For this chapter, I would like to recommend that you listen to Flesh for Fantasy by Billy Idol...just for the vibes.)

"Lucretia," he sighed out, hot breath on her neck and chin. With a gentle bite, he placed a chaste kiss on her jaw.

Long black nails dug into her hips, threatening bruises to form. White hair splayed out all around her like a curtain, some strands sticking to her slightly sweaty arms. Past his strands of white, the blur of stick candles scattered throughout the room illuminated their features with a soft warm glow.

"Undertaker, please," a noise left her body that she didn't know she could make, a high pitched whimper-like moan. Tears stung her eyes in the most pleasant way.

He thrusted into her, slow, deep, and hard. They gasped in near unison at the sensation.

One hand gripping the sheets she laid on, the other in a vice grip on his shoulder. Uneven skin, covered in long scars. The room felt hazy and blurry despite the realness of their intimacy.

Lucretia looked up, trying her damndest to keep her eyes from rolling into the back of her skull. Undertaker's eyes covered by a shadow. She let out another garbled moan, digging her nails into his toned shoulder.

He picked up his pace, locking lips with her and stifling their moans as he did.

The doorbell rang for the nth time and Lucretia jolted awake in a cold sweat and quickly got up to answer, memories from her dream already fleeting. What is the matter with you? She scolded herself for having such a dream about the Undertaker, though she wasn't entirely mad. A calico feline jumped from her bed and followed her to answer the door much like a duckling and its mother. When she passed the door of Caroline's room, she looked in to see her still sound asleep. She worked night shifts at the train station as a receptionist and slept for most of the day, though she was a heavy sleeper already.

"Yes?" she asked as she opened the door only to be met with a certain raven-haired butler. Once she had finally stopped, she noticed her heart pounding rapidly, likely from her subconscious activities.

Sebastian coiled back in surprise to see the young lady wearing only a t-shirt and underwear—her pajamas. "Good morning, Miss Lucretia," he regained his composure rather quickly.

"Sebastian!" she acknowledged in surprise, knowing she was rather indecent to be seen right now. She quickly reached behind her and yanked a blanket off of the armrest of the couch, wrapping it across her lower half. "I apologize for my appearance. I just woke up."

"That's alright," he took one more quick glance, noticing artwork of Baphomet on her t-shirt, with writing that said "Venom" at the top and "Welcome to Hell" at the bottom.

There was a brief silence before she suggested him coming in to sit down.  "I would hate to impose," he countered.

"Don't be silly, come on in," she let him inside and shut the door behind him. Lucretia needed some, any distraction possible right now because she could not help but think, in awe, of how her mind made her feel such strong physical emotions...especially for her boss. "Did you come to check my cut again? Or what?" She chuckled as she sat down on the living room couch, arms crossed.

"No, miss, unless you would like for me to," Sebastian motioned to her bandaged leg. "I can see that you're moving around much better though."

"Thank you!" Lucretia smiled, patting the bandaged thigh, "I've been able to walk around just fine mostly."

"That's wonderful news, I'm glad you're healing nicely." he sat down beside her after she pat the spot next to her as an invitation.

"So, why did you come here?" Lucretia was interrupted by her cat jumping into her lap, stepping one paw onto Sebastian's knee and sniffing him. "Pebbles," she whined at her cat for jumping on the couch. "She's supposed to stay in the bedrooms."

"Oh my," Sebastian was overwhelmed by the cuteness of the slightly chubby calico cat in his presence. Pebbles subsequently mewed at him, "aren't you just darling." He pet the cat who purred in response, curling up with him.

"She's so sweet, she'll love on anyone. Sorry about her shedding fur," Lucretia pet her cat. "Are you a cat person?"

"Absolutely, I think they're lovely little creatures, so agile and amazing hunters," he flipped Pebbles on her back and scratched her stomach and stretched out her legs before squeezing the pads of her paws.

"Yeah," she watched him play with Pebbles, a genuine smile plastered on his face, "So uh why are you here again?" Lucretia mindlessly scratched the back of her neck and then tried to straighten out some of her bedhead.

"Right," he took a small card out of his inner jacket pocket and handed it to her, still petting Pebbles with one hand.

The card read an invitation for the dinner party and ball that was only a week away from today, a Sunday. The invitation read the time, 7 pm-11:30pm, and also that it was a black tie affair, very formal.

"Oh, thank you! Maybe I can convince the Undertaker to go with me," she held onto the card with one hand.

The room fell somewhat silent again and Sebastian looked to her shirt again, and this time, Lucretia noticed. "I'm sorry, does my shirt bother you? I realize it's this whole Satanic image, which is why I don't wear it out. Too many bible thumpers would tackle me the second I walk out the front door." She babbled her explanation. Anything to not think about it...I have to go to work later.

"Not at all, Miss Lucretia. Do you worship the Devil?" Sebastian asked as if it was such a lighthearted question.

"No, but I certainly don't believe in God," they both laughed at her response. "The shirt is just a band I like. Their whole gimmick is 'Satanic Music'," she used air quotes.

"I see," he nodded. Certainly a curious character...I do wonder if she knows about the Undertaker...maybe even me.

"Would you like anything to eat?" she offered.

"No, please, I couldn't impose. I really must be going anyhow, but thank you for the offer." Sebastian gave her a warm smile and for a moment, her cheeks turned pink, but only a moment.

"Alright, well I hope to see you at this dinner party," she held up the small invitation as she walked the butler to the door.

"Yes, I do hope you can make it, Miss Lucretia," Sebastian took his leave.

Lucretia shut the door and leaned against it for a moment. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" She whispered to herself with a pitiful sigh.

Bits and pieces of her dream flashed before her again, the feeling of the Undertaker's long black nails digging into her hips lingered.

She grumbled to herself and decided to get ready for the day. When she got back to her room, she realized how much she had grossly overslept. Thirty minutes behind when she normally wakes up for work, indicating she wouldn't be doing her regular makeup. After getting dressed in a long black dress and the numerous articles of jewelry, she did an abbreviated version of her makeup: light foundation, mascara, eyebrows, and black lipstick. Lucretia rushed out the door, scrambling to grab her leather jacket, keys and another large container of cookies for the Undertaker that she almost forgot.

It's gonna be dreadful having to work with him now after that dream...I knew I liked him...but I didn't think that much.

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