Chapter 6

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Finally! I'm really sorry.. this was supposed to be updated and so much longer but i lost the chapter and had to rewrite everything :( but im quite happy with this...ive decided to wait til the next chapter to fall into Harry's side of the story so , you'll see next chap!

Warning : contains some larry sweet sweet lovin (in other words some Hurt/comfort sex ) if it's not your thing , don't read! 

enjoyyyy  , Fay x


''I still don't understand what's the point in knowing how much glucoses certain food contains.'' Harry let out with a frustrated sigh, staring at his science book. '' So what? I eat food cause it's good, end of discussion. Why lose your precious time looking into every little thing while you could , I don't know go to the pub get a beer with your mates? I swear to god half of what we have to learn will never be used in life.''

Louis smirked , recognizing the classic pissed off student quote.

''Not really , though. What if you're eating and-''

Harry didn't let him a chance to finish his sentence and cut him off by a wave of the hand.

''Louis , who the hell looks at their plate of mash potatoes thinking: 'Oh , I wonder how much glucose this contains , I hope there's enough so my cells can use them as a source of energy.' Nobody.''

Another point that opposed the two males. Harry was more of fast thinker, he liked when facts got straight to the point and didn't like wasting his time pondering on whatever unsolved philosophical problems that existed . How was the world created? Harry's answer would probably be :  "Stuff happened, bit of dust got together, fairy powder then voilà, life appeared." Whilst Louis' answer would probably turn around the theory of how the collapse of a molecular cloud under the influence of gravity , after a lot of years, gathered the perfect circumstances to create the first living organisms- also known as single-celled prokariotes that then proceeded to grow into more complex organisms and leading to the human species. 

Two quite different points of view really. 

''Well , it'll add up to your general knowledge.'' The brunet boy beamed back, knowing that it would just piss his friend off some more. 

Harry glanced at him with a sarcastic look.

''Mate , do I look like I give a fuck about my general knowledge?''

Louis simply laughed , guessing the answer.

''Exactly.'' Harry completed , inadvertently doodling random stick figures in his workbook. He was completing his work of art of two little stick figures holding the hand of a little girl , the three of them frolicking towards a rainbow. Argumentatively , it wasn't the most masculine drawing for a bloke like him, but he did have his soft spots for happy doodles in workbooks so why the hell not. 

Louis , on the other side , was hesitating , an idea had flashed in his mind and he was weighing up the pros and cons. He just wanted to invite Harry over for dinner. As simple as that. A proposition. It wasn't like a date or anything. It's not like Harry couldn't say no - If he said no, which would probably happen anyway. What if he said yes though? Then maybe they'll have more time and whatnot. Even though it wouldn't happen anyway. But , what if ? He could man up and just ask him. It was just a bloody dinner , not a wedding declaration. Why was it bothering him so much? Not that it was bothering him- not at all. He was completely fine with the fact that he could share some more friendly time with Harry. (Because they were just friends - really. ) And anyway , It's not like they could be- or try to be - or even get somewhere , but maybe-

Something Good Can Work (Larry Stylinson AU) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now