chapter 43

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"your mother and i are getting a divorce"

his words register in my head, that can't be so bad. with the way my mother has acted towards me, i can only imagine how bad it must be between them to actually file for divorce.

"im so sorry dad, maybe it's for the best" i pull him into another hug, he instant wraps his arms around me. his familiar scent almost brings tears to my eyes, i've missed him terribly.

"it's been difficult but im getting through it" my dad pulls away, his eyes glossy and pink. charlie clears his throat a little, making us look towards him.

"um i think you guys should talk and catch up so im going to go marie's to get ice cream for us in the meanwhile"

he stands up from his chair, motioning my father to come take his seat. he comes up to me, pressing a kiss on my forehead before leaning down to my ear.

"ill be right back, call me if anything okay?" his eyes locked on mine as i nod my head back at him, sitting down in my seat.

i watch as he left the cafe, his hands finding their way into his pockets as he quickly starts walking away.

"how long have you two been back together?" my father asks, a small smile on his face.

"a couple of months, we're working together. he's one of the main actors in the show" i say proudly

"wow, for a netflix show? he's going to make it big." his smile widens as my mind wanders back to my mother.

"dad, can i ask you something?" i play with the rings on my finger, nervous of the answer or what the reaction may be.

"sure mija, anything"

"did you know that mom was the reason charlie left me in the first place?"

his expression turns into one of confusion, his eyebrows furrowing and his head turning to the side.

"what? what do you mean?"

okay so he didn't know

"mom, she ran into charlie one morning and she told him he wasnt good enough for me and that he never would be. she manipulated him and got into his head all because he bought me flowers with some cents"

"un-fucking-believeable" my dad responds rubbing his hands over his face. i could sense his anger as he tries to compose himself.

"yeah, she came to see me a couple months back but i already knew. she still said some mean things to charlie when she saw him, even after i confronted her. i threw her out of my apartment and haven't spoken to her since." the words leaving my mouth make my heart sink

"i didnt know any of this olivia, im so so sorry she did this to you. i have no idea why she would try and break you guys up."

he reaches over the table, taking my hand in his and caressing my knuckles with his thumb.

"she's been going crazy, she loses it over the smallest things. she was always trying to argue with me until both of us just snapped. i couldn't keep living like that" his eyes watery again, i squeeze his hand wanting to assure him that im there for him.

"that wasn't healthy for either of you, it will be hard but you will be okay."

he smiles at me, his crinkling eyes causing his tears to fall down his cheeks. he looks so much older than i remember.

"i should get going, charlie is coming back. please come visit me before you leave back" he says standing up from his chair and walking over to give me a hug once more.

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