chapter 29

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charlie didnt say a word to me for the rest of the recording session. he was sat next to me and visibly looked more calm as time passed but his face remained without a smile.

"okay guys, thats a wrap for today! see you guys tomorrow." kenny says happily. 

everyone cheers and we start heading back towards our trailers. charlie walks next to me but doesn't say a word. 

"hey lovers!" jer says coming up to us. "we're all hanging out tomorrow after we're done working. be there or be square" he smiles

"you got it jer" i respond looking at charlie. he only gives him a nod and keeps walking.

jer looks at charlie walking and back towards me, his face filled with confusion.

"what's up his ass?" i shrug at his question, wishing i knew too.

"a banana maybe" 

we laugh at my dumb joke before jer hugs me goodbye. i walk faster trying to catch up to charlie, who has already gone inside my trailer. 

he's sitting on my couch in the same position as earlier. his arms across his chest and his brows a knitted together. i sigh and close the door, walking over to him. 

"charlie, whats going on? why are you upset?" 

his eyes flicker up at me as he sits up. 

"i dont know maybe the fact that as im working and singing my heart out, i look up to see you snuggling into owen" his words dripping in sarcasm.

"i was not snuggling owen, he hugged me because i was crying" i say now sitting on the small coffee table in front of him. 

"that's not what it looked like" 

"but that's how it was. you know how much i miss him. today was the first day in so long that he finally came around, he said hi to me and that was enough for me to start crying. i don't think its fair that you're so upset over me being happy my best friend finally spoke to me" 

charlie sighs deeply and takes my hands in his. his features relax a little as his eyes find mine. 

"im sorry olivia. it's just, i dont know. seeing you in owen's arms just felt weird. i shouldn't have reacted like that. i know he's your best friend but he's also someone who's admitted to having a crush on you. i guess maybe that's why i got in my head but it wont happen again, i promise." 

he places a kiss on my knuckles after his apology, the hard exterior from before now gone. 

"charlie, there is no one else for me but you." i say reassuringly, lacing my fingers through his. his smile grows as he leans in, leaving a soft kiss on my lips. 

"there's no one else for me but you" he repeats my words lovingly as he stands up, bringing me into an embrace. 

he places a kiss on my head as i rest it on his shoulder, his arms bringing me warmth in this cold ass trailer. 

"lets go home baby" he says grabbing my bag and helping me put on my coat, my cheeks flushing pink. i dont know what it is about him saying 'baby' that just does things to me. 

we walk outside towards charlie's car, he wraps his arm around me trying to keep us warm from the cold. he smiles as he opens up the door for me to get in. 

"bye charlieee" tori yells from the other side of the parking lot. he looks back confused and waves goodbye back when he realizes it's her. 

our conversation from earlier today comes back up in my head. im not too sure if i should ask charlie about him going back home. even if he asked me to go with him, would i want to? 

i love his family, they've all always been so loving and it's been years since ive seen any of them. im only apprehensive to the fact that there could be a possibility i'd run into my mother and i dont want that to happen.

"a penny for your thoughts olive?" charlie asks, his eyes glued to the road but he reaches his arm over and rests his hand on my thigh. 

"i was talking with tori earlier today, in the studio" charlie knits his eyebrows together in confusion. 

"but you dont like tori" 

"i never said i didnt like her, i just dont like the way she is around you." i clarify making charlie smile and shake his head. 

"so you don't like her" he laughs. 

"she asked if i was going back to our hometown with you, for the holidays." i say quietly. charlie sighs as the words leave my mouth. 

"i was going to ask you in the beginning of december, you know when the holidays were closer. i didn't think she'd be a big mouth and tell you." a giggle escapes my lips at his words.

"she also told me you invited her into your trailer when i wasn't around to 'hang out'" i air quote as he parks the car his is parking space before turning to me with a confused expression. 

"i never did that olivia. she came into my trailer while i was trying to nap but we did hang out i guess. we were talking about our holiday plans. but i never invited her in, believe me" i nod, trusting that he's telling me the truth. 

"i just don't trust her" i say as we head out of the car and make our way up to my apartment. 

"she's my friend olive. if you can be friends with owen then i should be able to be friends with tori" his voice calm, trying to rationalize with me. 

"you can be friends with whoever you want, im just saying i dont trust her." i say as i unlock the door and head inside the apartment. 

i take off my shoes and pull off my coat. i walk into the hallway trying to go towards my room when charlie grabs my hand, pulling me back into him. 

"olivia" he says teasingly, moving his hands to my waist as he puts his lips on mine. i cant help but smile as i kiss him back. he pulls back a little bit, resting his forehead on mine.

"there's no one else for me but you" he says sweetly before lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist, carrying me into my bedroom. 

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