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A/N : Not cannon or anything, unless you want it to be, then suit yourself. This takes place before the school fiasco and once again, I didn't have much time to write it which makes it an ungodly mess. Sorry!!

Anyway, enjoy and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

   Ah! Silence. So sweet, so lovely. The warmth of the sheets, the darkness behind the eyelids where dreams played like movies at the cinema. Carols filled the air, messages of good-will, love and kindness resonating in every corner of the house, sweet melodies dancing with the delicious scent of baked goods. If only Ghost would stop kicking in their sleep. Oh, well. You can't have everything.

Winter mornings, holidays which meant no more school, no more waking up before the sun deemed it worthy to grace the world with its glory. It was a beautiful, peace-...


Wonderful day to commit godslaughter!

You opened your eyes in time to see the silhouette of the Crawling Chaos disappear, the sound of a door slammed wide open and the same annoying speech echoing once again shortly after. Next to you, Pure and Ghost were glaring at the shadow of the Outer God, murderous thoughts passing through their minds. Robby couldn't care less, perched on the ceiling, wings-cape wrapped around him, he merely turned his back to the door and fell once again into the embrace of slumber.

"Remind me, what were the consequences of trying to banish these guys?" you asked your siblings, both turning to look at you.

"Something about the end of the world." Pure signed lazily, letting out a hefty yawn in the meantime.

Ghost, on the other hand, was more preoccupied with waking up Robby, the little jerk sneaking towards their best friend air horn in hand. If they couldn't get any more sleep, neither will he!

"Should we stop them?" you asked, but didn't really feel like getting up for any other reason than strangling Nyarlathotep. Preferably, with a barbed wire... Didn't Herrah have one of those around? You should ask her.

"Nah. They're old enough to deal with an angry bat on their own." Pure replied again through sign, getting up from the bed, and going to open the blinds.

As soon as they did, pale, stark light entered the room, silver bees dancing in the air in a chaotic matter, green and white painting the backyard in all the shades imaginable, as of God Himself had spend the entire night there with a brush, working on the perfect picture of a garden in winter. They opened the balcony door and stepped outside, a cold, gentle breeze, entering the room, brushing your cheeks and stealing away the remaining traces of sleep from your eyes. Though the awakening was rough and unpleasant, homicide still lingering in your mind, this feelings was nice, almost calming.

You would have liked to bask in it a little more, but of course, nothing good could last forever.

Ghost enacted their plan, the blow of the horn cutting through the serenity like a hot knife through butter, giving the start of the following chaos. Robby snapped awake in the blink of an eye, his talons letting go of the ceiling in his confusion. In a second, he was lying face front on the floor, scarlet smoke rising from his head.

"Ghost, you bastard!" he screamed as he got back up, eyes narrowed to dangerous slits, glowing bright red.

They laughed at first, but when the bat lunged at them, claws aiming for the throat, their amusement faded and the next thing you knew, they made a run for the balcony, pushing Pure aside. They jumped over the railing, Robby following them close behind, screaming all the insults that came to mind, uncaring of who could hear him.

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