Chapter One

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It was the last week before fall break. Sunset Shimmer was walking to school with Twilight. They decided to meet up at Sunset's place, then walk to school. They were talking about their plans for fall break. Sunset suddenly felt a strange presence flew pass by her. 'What was that?' she thought. 'Was probably the wind' she shrugged. Sunset continued talking with Twilight until they reached the doors of Canterlot High School.

As they walked in, they were looking for their friends. They had a good ten minutes so they decided to look around for them. Luckily, they found Pinkie and Rarity by Pinkie's locker.

"Hey, guys!" Sunset greeted the two.

"Hiya, Sunset, hiya Twilight! Ready for the last week before break?" Pinkie asked cheerfully.

"Well, I hope you two don't have plans for this weekend. Pinkie and I were arranging a place for all of us to stay," Rarity added as she received a text from her phone.

"Actually, that'll be a great idea. Have you finished planning where we're gonna stay?" Twilight exclaimed happily.

"Actually, it's going to be a surprise! You'll have to wait and see, darlings'!" Rarity said as she placed her phone away. "Oh, and by the way, one of our friends' called in sick today..." she added with a worried look on her face.

"Aww... I hate surprises..." Sunset complained, "So, who called in sick?" she asked.

"Well, darling, it was Rainbow Dash. She s'pose to come down with a little fever..." Rarity explained.

"Aww... Rainbow Dash can't be here. Are you sure she's sick?" Pinkie asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, not to be rude or anything, but she seems like the type of person to get out of school," Sunset said matter of factly.

All four friends knew how Rainbow Dash was. They all knew she hated school. They decided to talk for a few minutes more until the bell rang signaling that class was about to start. Sunset and Twilight separated from Pinkie and Rarity since they had advanced physics first. Pinkie and Rarity also separated since both of them had different classed at the time. Pinkie had literature, which is on the second floor, Rarity had history, which is also located on the second floor, opposite side of Pinkie's class, which is on the left.

Meanwhile with Twilight and Sunset, both of them walked to the third floor where advanced physics' were. 'What was it?' she asked herself as she thought about that strange presence she had earlier as she was walking with Twilight to school.

"You okay, Sunset? You seem a bit distracted," asked a concerned Twilight.

Sunset turned and said, "What? No, everything's fine... just thinking about... y'know..." Sunset hesitated.

"You sure?" Twilight asked again.

"Yes, I am, Twilight. Now can we just go inside already?" Sunset groaned.

"Okay, fine. But if something's bothering you, you can tell me, okay?" Twilight said concerned about her friend.

"Yes, Twilight..." Sunset replied.

Sunset and Twilight made their way in the classroom. During class, something was keeping Sunset from focusing in class. She was rather distracted. She then felt another strange presence, just like earlier when her and Twilight were walking to school together. She was sure it wasn't the air conditioning. It wasn't even on. No one was walking by her desk, not even getting her attention. 'What is it?' she began to think. 'Could it be Equestrian magic?' she thought as she gazed up the window. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked to her left, she saw Twilight trying to grab her attention.

"Are you okay?" Twilight whispered.

Sunset thought about something. 'Could it be Equestrian magic?' she thought she'd be crazy. But, knowing the pass events Equestrian magic had shown up in her world. She could feel it. She could feel that Equestrian magic was on the loose, but she wasn't sure. She looked at Twilight who was waiting for an answer.

She sighed and replied back, "Can I talk to you... after class? It's really important." Sunset whispered.

After an hour of class, Sunset and Twilight walked out of the classroom, heading to their lockers getting their books for their next class. Sunset began talking to Twilight about the strange feeling she's been having, how she thought it was Equestrian magic, how it can get out of control if it were Equestrian magic. She sighed as she opened her locker, threw her books inside, grabbed another few books, and slammed her locker door shut.

"So, your saying that Equestrian magic is on the loose, again?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Yes, but I'm not sure. If there's anything strange going on, I'll have to write to Princess Twilight about it," Sunset said as she walked with Twilight towards her locker (Twilight's locker).

"I'm sure, you'll figure it out soon," Twilight reassured, "I hope it isn't Equestrian magic, I mean, we really need a break from it."

"Heh, yeah, we do... but... this weird feeling I'm getting... it's just..." Sunset hesitated to say.

"Look, I know we've been battling Equestrian magic for like a long time. Maybe you should stopping worrying about it, and maybe think about plans for break," Twilight said matter of factly.

"Yeah, I guess your right. Now let's go, we don't want to be late for class now, don't we," Sunset said as she smoothly nudged Twilight's elbow.

Both of them began walking to their next class. Sunset was hoping nothing bad would happen.

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