Chapter 3

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"UM-" Mikki shouted from the kitchen. She turned to Jam. "I'M PRETTY SURE JAYE JUST ACTUALLY STABBED ROXY."

"You- how could you do this?" Roxy coughed, her face rapidly paling as she held the wound.

Jaye simply shook his head and walked away, the terrifying glint gone from his eyes.

Null took advantage of Zack's temporary distraction to scramble away. She heaved Roxy up and supported her with her shoulder. "We're leaving," she said in a haggard voice.

Zack turned back to them, a smudge of blood shining on their blade and they smirked. "No, I don't think you are."

Meanwhile, just outside the house, Daisy had returned from her errand in time to see Zippy and Rei flee the house. When she had questioned them, they had replied with a hurried, knives! and ran. Her suspicions about the look on Zack's face before she had left worsened, and she was about to walk inside when-

A scream rose up from the house. "ROXY!"

That's Null's voice, she noted worriedly. The answering cackle solidified her decision. "I have to go in."

She entered the room in time to see Zack grab Null by the shoulder, spin her around, and swiftly slide a knife into her abdomen. "Not so fast, honey," Zack cooed as Null fell to the ground.

"Wh- what is going on?" Daisy whispered, horrified.

Zack started at the sound of her voice, then slowly turned around. "Hey, Daisy," they said easily, wiping blood off of their cheek.

"Zack, please, you're terrifying me-"

"Do you know what my favorite part of all this-" they waved a hand towards the two still bodies and the trail of blood on the carpet, "-is?"

Daisy shook her head silently. A plan was beginning to form in her head, but she'd have to be fast if she wanted it to work.

Zack grinned, a scarlet smile that promised a fate worse than death. "The screams of my victim."

And Null and Roxy breathed their last.

Zack turned back to their kill, laughing psychotically as they removed the knife from Null's chest. "You'd better get medical help," they quipped, which was unhelpful, seeing as Null had, unfortunately, died. They hummed to themselves as they walked towards where Roxy's body was lying.


Zack's eyes widened. They sank to their knees, shaking hands releasing the knife that had started this whole mess. Their eyes slowly travelled downwards, until at last they landed on the gaping hole in their side. "Well. It was fun while it lasted." The last thing they saw was Daisy standing some distance away, holding a gun with steady hands.

"Days!" Mikki shouted in relief, leaping from her hiding spot in the kitchen and throwing her arms around her friend. Turning to Zack's corpse, she couldn't contain a laugh. "Y'all still use knives? Shit, guns exist, you know."


The two girls screamed. "Null? What-"

Hello, Null's ghost sighed. I'll still language you from the grave.

I was trying to protect Null, Roxy's ghost murmured. And in the end we both ended up dead. I failed.

You didn't-

"You both failed," Mikki pointed out. Daisy struggled to stifle her laugh.

True, Zack's ghost added.

YOU! Ghost Null shouted. A wind whipped around the room.

I'm going to haunt you, Jaye, Ghost Roxy rumbled.

Daisy finally released her grip on the gun and rushed to Zack's side. "I'm so sorry, Zack," she said. Her expression hardened. "But it had to be done."

Ghost Zack snarled. Imma haunt all of you!

I'll haunt my murderer! Ghost Null yelled.

But I'm dead-

So? I'll still haunt you.

Can you kill someone twice? Ghost Roxy wondered.

Ghost Null surged towards Ghost Zack. I can certainly try!

Daisy glanced at Mikki. "Are we the only ones left?"

Mikki opened her mouth to answer but was cut off by Ghost Roxy, who complained, My murderer got away with it, what the heck!

"Who murdered you?" Daisy asked with interest, picking her gun off the floor.

Ghost Roxy pointed towards a solitary figure who had been sitting, unnoticed, on the couch for the past fifteen minutes. Jaye did.

Daisy shot Jaye without another word.


Ghost Roxy tried hugging Ghost Null, but because they were ghosts, it didn't quite work. Despite this, the pair shouted, Ghost hug!

"There's a saying," Daisy said to Ghost Zack as Mikki examined Jaye's body. "If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world stays the same." She smiled suddenly, the bright light in the room throwing the blood on her hands into sharp relief. "Which is why I killed two."

Jam popped his head out of the kitchen. "Daisy, can you kill me too?"

"JAM!" Mikki cried, running towards him. He smiled and held his arms open for a hug, but she just stole the box of pizza from his arms and sat at the kitchen table.

"No, Jam," Daisy said, amused. "You're innocent." She looked around at the room and suddenly the weight of all that happened hit her and she sank into the couch, pushing Jaye's body onto the floor. "Who's even still alive?" she whispered.

"I am," Jam said softly, sitting next to her. Mikki skipped out of the kitchen and handed them each a slice of pizza, snuggling next to her friends.

Ghost Zack scowled at Daisy. I hate you. Then they disappeared.

"Where did they go?" Jam asked.

Ghost Null and Ghost Roxy glanced at each other. I don't know. They shrugged their ghostly shoulders in unison. But we're off to be wholesome as ghosts.

"Russian Roulette: Peehole Friends Edition," Mikki muttered under her breath. The other two huffed out a laugh.

"I'm back!" Mac called from the doorway. "I brought Zippy and Rei- what happened here?"

Daisy shook her head, Jam laughed, and Mikki held a slice of pizza out to Mac. "Chaos," they said together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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