Daddies' Apple Pie: Deku x Shinso x Kiri

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Aztec Brujería

You spent your first day off cleaning, doing laundry, and reorganizing the house. With all of your schedules so full the laundry had caught up pretty quickly and you decided to deep clean the house from ceiling to floor; leaving no dust bunny behind. You were in the kitchen, busy putting the final touches on the apple pie you made from scratch into the oven, while the night's meal was finishing in your second oven. You chuckled when you realized you had enough food to feed a small army, these boys are going to eat me out of the house one of these days. When you turned around to begin putting the salad together the front door opened and you heard Izuku, Eijirou, and Shinsou call out, "We're home little cub!" You looked up and watched three gigantic men pile in, to set their gym bags down and take their shoes off. Exhaling and groaning with the comfort of finally being home after a week at the agency.
Once they put their house slippers on you couldn't help but smile, you had bought each of them unique house slippers tailored to them. Izuku had gotten puppy slippers, Kirishima dragon slippers, and Shinsou had gotten kitty slippers; the contrast of your thick monster men wearing cute plushy house slippers gave you so much serotonin. You broke out into a large goofy smile, Kirishima spotted your smile from the front door, "My little marigold it smells amazing! What's for dinner we're starving." You chuckled as you began chopping up a fresh salad and watched them file in one by one towards the open kitchen island. Izuku was first he stood at 6'8'' and was easily 380 pounds of pure muscle, he had gotten stronger over the years to handle the cost of his multiple quirks. The combination of his emerald green and black hair, which was always tousled at the top with the undercut and his pierced ears, always made you blush, "Hey sweet pea, you have a full day today love?" He came behind the counter and placed a chaste kiss on top of your head before reaching for a couple of berries meant for the salad. You swatted his gigantic hand and took a moment to trace your favorite scars on the back of it, appreciating all the hard times he's had to go through, "I had a full day just usual adulting things," you said, turning your attention back to finishing the salad. Izuku smiled and hummed into your hair before he made his way to the shared bedroom for the first shower, "I'll see you in a few, thank you for everything babe, this is so nice." You watched him walk into the bedroom and couldn't help but watch as he took his shirt off, your eyes devouring every line in his back as your gaze rested on his thick ass in his jumpsuit. You felt your desire begin to bloom making you blush.

Shinsou was next as he came to give you another kiss on top of your head, diverting your attention, "Lilac it smells delicious, thank you for this I've been looking forward to us being home together." You just chuckled and let him hug you from behind trying to reach for the berries that adorned the greenery, "I see you Hitoshi." You smacked his hand away and laughed as you relaxed into his frame, "How was the week, I haven't seen my favorite men since last Saturday." He nuzzled into your neck and inhaled, Shinsou was 6'5 and close to 300 pounds of hard-earned muscle and ferocity and his hair was the loveliest violet that hung below his shoulders now pulled back into a haphazard bun at the nape of his neck. "It was good, dauntless at times, but I liked the phone calls you gave us when we got a chance to rest at the agency dorms." You turned beet red, "Shush! You know I only do it for you guys..." you shot him a nervous glance, "No one caught you three, right?" Shinsou chuckled into the hollow of your neck and shoulder, "Little one, it took heroic efforts to keep quiet as we watched you do what you did." You chuckled and turned your head to ask for a quick kiss. "Go get cleaned up with Izuku. Dinner will be ready by the time you three get done." He smiled and let you go and walked toward the bedroom; you thought back on your sexy phone call and blushed harder. Leaving you to finish the salad and place it in the middle of the dinner table more flustered than anything.

You turned to get the plates from the counter to start setting the table. When Kirishima beat you to them and put them in their places for you, "Marigold let me help you! I'm so glad we're home I have missed you so much, baby!" You stopped him before he could go back and get the water glasses, "Kiri! I missed you too! How was work, baby?" You pulled Kirishima by his long braids down to get a chaste kiss from him. He moaned slightly and pulled you in for a hug and lifted you up with no effort. You were only five feet tall and were encompassed completely by each of your men whenever they would bear hug you. Kirishima now in his thirties was 6'8" and was 330 plus pounds, a wall of solid muscle and cuddles; you felt him squeeze you making you gasp for air. "K-Kiri! I love you too!" He put you down and smiled big, that smile that could melt anyone's heart. You took a moment to fix his Viking style braids you had learned to put into his thick crimson hair. "I have always loved your hair Eiji." It was comforting when you got to play with his hair only because he melted into a puddle of playdough when you did. Snapping from your reverie you heard the oven timer go off, "Oh, that's dessert, go get cleaned up with the other two so you guys can eat and relax." You pulled him down again to give him a quick kiss on the cheek and pushed him off towards the bedroom, "But, baby I want to help!" You pushed him again towards the door, "Go, I'm gonna burn dessert, and your dinner will be cold." He chuckled, throwing his hands up walking into the bedroom.

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