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Walking back home I heard yelling and screaming. I knew I never should've went to that party with them fake ass bitches.
Turning into a alley all I heard was running and gun shots. Typical Friday night in Baltimore.
Then when I got to the end a bullet ran right across my arm grazing it.
"Get the fuck out of here now" a nigga yelled pushing me.
Running as fast as I could I ran straight home that night.
Waking up the next morning my head was pounding like crazy.
Crazy thing is I didn't drink or smoke, but then I remember what happened later on that night while touching my arm.
"Killa" my cousin Majesty yelled
"What girl"
"Girl wtf happen to ur arm it's blood everywhere"
"Girl so last night, Shaquay, and Jackie wanted me to come to a party with them they literally begged me to come just to leave my ass looking dumb in a corner"
"Girl wtf you should've told me to come get you"
"Bitch with who car knowing damn well yours in the shop"
"Bitch I could've called up one of my homies"
"Anyways then bitch, while I'm walking home yelling screaming and gun shots all out the street was fucking hot, all of a sudden a I get grazed, a nigga pushing me telling me to get tf out of here and that's all that went down"
"Girl lemme Handel yo arm and from now on tell me when you going somewhere"
Walking into the corner store I bumped into a tall figure. Looking up this rude ass looking nigga mugged tf outta me. "Watch where tf you going" he said walking past me bumping my shoulder.
He look mad familiar.
I couldn't think but he was mean asf for no reason it was a honest mistake.
Putting my stuff on the counter "can I get two backwoods pleath"
Doja laugh "Alr girla you know I got yo ass"
Paying for my stuff I headed out the door "preciate it cuh"
"So ghetto for what" some random ass broad mumbled
"Sweetie if you gonna say sumpt please speak tf up"
"Girl I ain't said shii"
"Yea ok, don't get checked tf"
"Wtf you gone do bitch you can't check me with yo lil ass"
Honestly I hated when people called me little due to me not eating as much and I couldn't gain like that.
"At least I'm not no big scary bitch, now stfu before I deck you in yo shi"
"Girl who tf you think you talking to"
Pulling out my baby glock
"Nah killa let's go" my cousin said pulling me
"Now that's what I thought dumb bitch"
Before I could turn around Majesty decked her in her shiii.
"Now let's go you know 12 hot around here"
Nodding my head we made our way back home.
"Gorla you dumb asf"
"Nah fr that old man started moving fast asf with that walker after Kam said he was gone air that bitch out" some girl name Jocelyn said.
"Cuh y'all funny asf" I said.
"Satan and them finna come over here"
"Girl who" I said looking at her weird.
"A couple niggas" Jocelyn said
Nodding my head I got on my phone.
3 nigga walked in, one light skin that looked like a fuck boy, a darkskin that wasn't on the fine side and one nigga I couldn't really see his face cause he was focused on his phone and had on a hoodie.
"Anyways thats satan in the hoodie, the light skin nigga right there is 7, and the darkskin nigga my mfn stinka is J.R" Jocelyn explained.
Nodding my head I stared at satan until he looked up and mugged the fuck outta me making me look away fast asf. Almost caught a whip splash.