Drunk Kirishima

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I just want giggly and affectionate drunk Kirishima who can basically do nothing else but flirt with Bakugou, and gets heartbroken when the blonde says he has a boyfriend (psst it's him).

Like, Kirishima's hanging halfway off the couch, staring dreamily at Bakugou who was by the kitchen, sipping at his own tasteless drink.
It was Denki's idea to bring booze to their pre-graduation party, finally becoming third years after agonizing training.

And Kirishima has had three beers and is already completely out of it, his head flushing as he traced Bakugou's jawline with his eyes upside down.
Bakugou notices this and is completely smitten by his boyfriend's drunk antics.

Finishing the rest of the drink, he saunters over to the couch and crouches down so that he's eye-level with the red-head.

"Heyyyy, handsome!" Kirishima slurs, his eyes squinting as he tried to reach out to the blonde, but failed as he only managed to grab hair.
He whines and tries to shuffle closer, but forgets that he's literally hanging off of the couch.

"Ack!" He yelped as his head collided with the floor, falling completely onto the carpet.
And Bakugou can't help but snort loudly as Kirishima sits up, rubbing his head slowly.

"Fuckin dumbass." He reached out and flicked Kirishima's forehead.

"Ow!" Kiri swats his hand away, "I'll let that slide, but only because you're the most pretty boy I've seen!" He sighs, melting into the floor.
Bakugou rolls his eyes, plopping down next to his boyfriend on the floor, sitting criss-crossed.

"Pretty huh? Thought you said I was handsome?"

Kirishima giggles, rolling onto his side as he stares up into Bakugou's eyes, "You're both! Which totally isn't fair! You gotta save some of that pretty and handsome for the rest of us!" He whined.

Bakugou rolls his eyes and gently pats down Kirishima's messy spikes, some of which were sticking up sideways.

"You are completely wasted, aren't you?" He asked, now scratching Kiri's scalp.

"Noooo! I'm just feeling good!" Kirishima slurred, sitting up and suddenly grabbing the hem of Katsuki's black skull shirt.

He brought up the fabric and started nuzzling his face into it, "So soft..." he murmurs, loving the way the shirt felt on his cheek.

Bakugou had to look away and let out a subtle cough as to not discombobulate, his whole face becoming as flushed as Kiri's hair.

"Mmf. Mmph mmm!" Kirishima mumbled into his shirt, and Bakugou had to pull his head up to hear what he was saying.


Bakugou's eyes widened as he saw Kirishima's glossed over eyes, tears beginning to cascade down his face.

"The fuck? What the hell are you crying for?" He asked, confusingly staring down at the mess of his boyfriend.

Kirishima let out an ugly sob, wiping his running eyes and nose, "You're too great! And pretty! And handsome! And-" he cut himself off with a loud sniff.
"And you probably already have one but I want to be your boyfriend sooo bad!"

Bakugou blinked.

What...in fifty shades of fuck?

Bakugou laid back and started laughing, hard and deep guffaws leaving his mouth and echoing around the almost empty room.

"What! What are you talking about?" Bakugou coughed, wheezing as he tried to stop his laughter when his boyfriend gave him a hurt look.

Like a kicked puppy, his eyes started tearing up again and his lower lip wobbled, "'s not that funny." He mumbled.

Oh shit.

Bakugou leaned back up as soon as he could hear the pout in his voice, "Hey hey, no sorry! It's just..." he smirked as he came closer to Kiri.
"I already have a boyfriend."

Bakugou was sure he could hear Kirishima's heart shatter as he looked down, tears dropping from his wet and flushed cheeks.

"Oh. I-hic-sorry. I just thought..." Kirishima trailed off, not leaning towards Bakugou anymore.

He resisted the urge to laugh again.

Hey, dipshit." Bakugou nudged his shoulder, smirking when Kirishima only curled closer into himself.

Leaning in as close as possible, Bakugou's breath ghosted over his ear, "You're my boyfriend."

Kiri froze, his breath faltering for a second before he whipped his head around to glare at Katsuki accusingly.

"You! You suck!" He whined, weakly punching his chest.

Bakugou smiled gently and grabbed ahold of his fists, taking them into his own hands.
He held them up to his mouth, kissing each knuckle at once.

And fucking hell the face Kirishima made as he did so only made him want to kiss him further.
And so he did, not on his lips but on the salty tear tracks left behind on his face.

He heard Kirishima sigh happily, melting into his touch as he landed face first on his shoulder, nuzzling into his warm neck.

Bakugou was planning on standing up so that he could go finish his drink, but he couldn't exactly stand up with the precious cargo he held in his lap.

So instead, he suffered, dozing off to the gentle snores rumbling in Kirishima's throat.

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