Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

?'s POV

Where was I? Horrible things flashed through my mind. I saw blood, death. Who was dying? What was going on? "Soren." I muttered, "Crimea. Dead. What......" A scream echoed through my head. I sat, bolt right up. My ribs crushed in on themselves, needles jabbed my stomach, and claws raked down my skull. I was dead. "Shh. Calm down. Just lie down, okay?" A gentle voice spoke to me. Small hands guided me back down on something soft. My eyes eased open. My vision was blurry, but I saw a face. "Dead......" I whispered. "No," said the face, "You're not dead." My vision cleared further and I could see the face. The beautiful, beautiful face. She had a long golden hair framing her pale face and sky blue eyes above her rosy cheeks and bright pink lips. "Dead......angels...." I said. The girl shook her head, pityingly. "No. You're alive, Soren. You're going to live." Soren? Was that my name? Who was I? Where was I? The girl placed something warm over my eyes and I fell back asleep.


A golden flash. A strong hand. A horrible face, laughing at me. Pain everywhere. I was dying. My face hit the ground and my eyes flew open. I gasped as the real pain hit me again. Sunlight shone through an open window above my head. Birds twittered outside and breeze blew through and ruffled my hair. I tried to push the sheets off of me, but I couldn't move. My whole body was seized up. I quietly cried out in panic. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I move? I saw a small movement to my right. I turned my eyes towards it and saw a man. He was around my age, with dirty blonde hair and sharp features. He was sleeping on a chair next to me. The moment I looked at him, he woke up. His eyes were ice blue. "Good morning." he said with a yawn, "How're you feeling?" I grunted, panic still welling in my chest. "I can't move." said a weak voice. It took me a moment to realize that the voice belonged to me. It sounded so strange, so pitiful. The man nodded, grimly. "I thought not. Don't worry though. It'll be okay. Your body is just in shock. You won't be able to consciously move for a few more days." I felt sick. He got up and grabbed a glass of water from a nightstand. "I'm not dead?" I asked. He slid a hand under my head and put the glass to my lips. "Try not to talk too much. Your throat's damaged enough as it is." The water burned going down. I choked. "Who......are you?" I asked, finally fully conscious. "My name is Link. Me and my friends have been taking care of you while you were injured." He looked me dead in the eye. "Zelda has taken to calling you Soren." "Soren? ........Why?" "You talked a lot while you were out. You mostly said Soren for the first few days. Shouted it most of the time." "Who's Zelda?" "Zelda's one of my friends. Besides that. She may like the nickname, but I'd rather call you by your real name. What is it?" I wanted to reply, I really did. But my mind was blank. Name? What was my name? I should know, shouldn't I? Who was I? "I........... I don't know." I admitted. Link raised his eyebrows. "You don't know?" I tried to shake my head, but still couldn't move. "What happened to you?" My mind was still blank. I couldn't remember what happened to me. Link grimaced and pulled the sheets from my chest. I winced loudly. My entire upper half was covered in bandages so thick I couldn't tell where they began and where they ended. The pearly white material was speckled red. "How long have I been out?" I asked. "Almost three weeks." Link said quietly, "Three weeks ago, Pipit and I found you lying outside in the dead of night, bleeding out. We carried you to his house and patched you up. Do you remember what happened?" I thought and thought and wrestled with my thoughts, but I could remember nothing. Not even who I was or what I looked like. "Who am I?" I whispered, panic stricken again, "Where am I?" "Shh. It's okay." Link said soothingly, "You're in Skyloft, in the safest house in the town. The only people who know you're here are me, Zelda, Pipit, and his mother. You're safe. Look. You want to know who you are?" He held a picture to my face; I didn't know the man in it. He was sickeningly pale, with soft blue eyes, and a thin face spotted with horribly colored bruises. "Who....." The man in the picture opened his mouth. "That's me." I stated more than asked. "Yes." Link confirmed, "That's you." I stared into the mirror. My reflection stared back. Link put it back on the table. "Just to clarify," said Link, "You don't remember ANYTHING?" I heard a scream and laughter, I saw gold and darkness and a face. "........No. Nothing." I answered. He nodded. "Alright. If you remember anything, just let someone know. Okay?" "Okay." "You should get some rest." "Okay." He put a warm rag over my forehead, then sat back down. I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.

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