Chapter 2

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As I went to bed later that night, all I think of was his face, the feel of his lips on mine, how his hair smelled.

How did this happen? This morning it was all I could do to not jump Adam, but now, I think a stronger attraction has replaced it. I shifted in bed, the moon was so bright, calling to me. The air through my open window smelled sweeter than ever before. I sighed, then took a deep breath to prepare myself for the chilly wood floor. I made the decision almost unconsciously to go outside and feel the night around me. As my feet touched the floor, I wondered where I was intending to go. Diana would be asleep, so would everyone else. I walked to the foot of my bed, and threw on my converse, not bothering with socks. then I headed over to my dresser, upon which my hairbrush was resting. "Oh, why not?" I muttered softly, and raised the brush to my hair.

I almost put my it up, but then decided against it. I loved the feel of ocean breeze through my hair, who doesn't? My door opened with a muffled creak, as though the door was trying not to break this wonderful I was in. I walked down the long hallway, toward the steep stairs. The moonlight was fighting it's way in, tooth and nail, all the while calling slowly, begging me to walk into it.

I'm coming, don't worry, I replied silently in my mind. As I reached the front door, it occurred to me that nights here were cooler than those back home, but when the door opened, I felt only the pleasure of the breeze, it seemed the night air was not in the mood to bite.

As I reached the end of the drive way, a pulling began, one that was as foreign to me as the embrace Nick and I shared scarce hours before. It was as thought a new cord was pulling me, not one of silver, but of gold, stronger, purer, far more tempting. I knew then that I could never ignore Nick as I had been Adam, for the pain of it would surely be beyond terrible. My breath came quicker now, and I admit I started to run. I felt like a child caught in the rain as if I could go anywhere, do anything, if only I was fast enough. So was my happiness to be so. Wings seemed to sprout on my back carrying me all the faster, the thrill of simple pleasure coursing through me. As I slowed, I took stock of my surroundings, studying them in the dark, trying to make heads or tails of it. For everyone knows, the world always looks different by moonlight. I was outside Nick's House. A smile filled my face at that revelation. Maybe I should visit him? I walked around the perimeter, glad for the shadows that cloaked me now, yet filled with regret as the clouds hungrily devoured the full moon. It seemed as if it's appearance was only to guide me, to lure me from my safe home, and my restless bed. I found Nick's window in no time, although no one had ever pointed it out to me, I just had a sense he was the one behind the curtained glass. It helped that he was on the ground floor, because I could never have gotten into a window higher up. I knelt just under the window and tried to get a glimpse of what lay inside. I could see nothing.

"All well. Here goes nothing." My voice was low and faint in the trembling night. What if it's locked? I thought, honestly alarmed. It's not, some inner part of my brain reassured. I was calmed instantly, and tried to move the glass with finger tips, and nothing happened before I pressed against it with my palms and amazingly, the glass aside with no resistance. That was much easier than I ever imagined! I gloated in my mind. Oh, no, the logical part of me said as soon as it registered this, how do you intend to get through said window? I sighed dramatically in my mind. The moon came out again, and the light fell on a chair in the shadows, a black, metal one I had not yet noticed. That's how! What do you know anyway, Brain? I lifted the chair, and felt it's weight against me. The metal was so cold! I barely got the chair under the window before it's weight became too much. I then carefully stood on top of the chair, and pushed the offending draips out of the way, hoping beyond hope I had the right window. I saw him, resting peacefully on a bed that was right below the window. I was at a loss, my brain was angry and refused to help me with this one.

"Nick? Please wake up. For me?" I asked lowly, and kept my voice soft. I wanted him to wake up, but was afraid at my gentle tone, he shot up like a bullet, looking as if he wanted to believe I was there and also afraid to believe if I wasn't.

"Hi." I said softly. I waited what felt like a full minute before I gave up. "I guess I should go." I murmured, rejection shooting through me, hot and painful. When I started to pull back out, because my feet were still on the chair, he stopped me.

"No." He gasped out, putting a hand on my arm and pulling me in the rest of the way, carefully and softly, as if I was made of glass.

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