Chapter 9

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I have a few jobs to do at home before I start getting ready. I switch the shower on and run it until it's good and hot. I step in and scrub myself, body and hair. I grab the towel I left on the heated towel rail and wrap it around my waist before heading to my bedroom. I've laid out my newest pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeved black shirt. If she's going to all the effort of cooking for us, I want to make the effort too. I bought a couple of bottles of wine earlier on my way home and they're in the fridge waiting for me to take them. I glance at the clock and see it's 6:30 already. The guys should be here soon. Jaime is going to drive us in his car and that way if Gracie wants me to stay, which she might, they can get home. I dress quickly, spraying some cologne lightly and make my way down the stairs. No sooner have I grabbed the bottles, the doorbell rings so I grab my keys and open the door. Vic and I head for Jaime's car and I get in the front to direct him. We pull up not long later and head for her apartment. I knock and we wait for an answer. The door opens and Gracie smiles at us.
"Come in, come in" she says, suddenly looking shy. The smell of something delicious wafts towards us and I see she has laid the table impeccably with flowers, candles and other things that any 5 star restaurant would be envious of. I didn't even know the table was that big to be honest. It's normally pushed further over by the window but she's moved it to more central location.
She also got changed. She's now wearing a fitted black dress. I swallow hard as I think about how much I want to kiss her right now. It's only been a minute or so since she opened the door but it feels like hours and I already want the guys to go so we can be alone.
Mike nudges me with his elbow. Gracie has shown Vic and Jaime to their seats while I've been in my trance. I quickly walk over and I'm relieved to see her seat is next to mine. She goes to get something from the kitchen and returns with our first course? How many courses has she made? She places a plate containing chicken coated with crushed tortilla chips and some dips onto the table and tells us to help ourselves. It doesn't take long for us to clear it all away. She takes the dirty dishes through to the kitchen and puts them to one side before returning with more food. She goes back to the kitchen and I realise she is fetching more stuff so I follow her to help. She smiles again and hands me a dish full of vegetables while she carries through some roast beef. Again, we get stuck in and after all that even Jaime and Mike are looking full. I help her clear everything away and she turns to the fridge, pulling out a cheesecake and some cream. My eyes are on stalks at the sight and my mouth starts watering. I carry it through while she brings plates to put it on.
It's white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake and each mouthful is divine. We finish all that and several glasses of wine. Except Jaime. He has water.
After everything is cleared away and the dishwasher loaded, we all go into the lounge and collapse on the couch.
"Gracie, that was amazing. Thank you for spoiling us" says Vic. Jaime and Mike nod in agreement.
"It's my pleasure, honestly. I love cooking and haven't had the chance to do that in a long time" she says, smiling. The guys decide to go and I ask Gracie if I can hang around a bit longer.
"I was hoping you would" she says.

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