Chapter 3

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It's not that Jihyun doesn't have any dream. She did but reality always stuck close to her like a piece of gum, reminding her that she couldn't afford to waste time dreaming something impossible.

What Sejun told her yesterday struck a chord in her. Was it a sense of familiarity? Or was it her lost passion?

"Jihyun-ah... Yeon Jihyun!"

Her brother's voice sent her back to reality. "Uh?" Her dazed expression made him speechless.

"Why are you drifting off when I'm talking? Am I that boring?"

"Eh, no, no! Not at all, oppa. What did you just say?" He had to repeat his words again.

"I said... I got a job."

"A job? Are you serious? How? Where?" She seemed much sober now.

"Customer service for home shopping. My fellow friend introduced to me. I got in after first interview." Her dazed expression brightened up.

"That's good news!! Oppa, I wish you well and good luck! I'm so happy to hear this."

"Jihyun-ah... now that I got a job... you do what you always wanted. We have discussed. You should go back to your field."

He always knew and believe in her abilities. At the same time, he felt he couldn't help much due to his condition. Yet, Jihyun always assured him his efforts and support would never go to waste.

"Oppa, actually I have something to discuss."

Jihyun told him about Sandbox. At that time, her mum appeared and listened to their conversation quietly.

"If I proceed to second round, I'll need to stop working and that bothers me..."

Jitae patted her shoulder gently.

"Jihyun-ah, just go for it. Omma and your brother will root for you in anything you want to do. We don't want to hold you back anymore. You deserve to chase after your dream." Her words comforted her.

"Really? You allow me to go?" Jihyun was trying to get another final assurance.

"Yes dear sister. Just go for it."

Jihyun glanced around. Suddenly, she was reminded of her father words.

"When we are facing hardships, don't show it. Smile, assuring your loved ones you are doing great while you are trying your best efforts to overcome."

How she wished her father is still alive to share this moment together.


Jipyeong's living his off days like a king. As someone who never took leave all his life working in corporate world, this time was different.

Park Dong Cheon has been bugging him with endless text messages about investment proposals from new companies.

"I believe in you."

When he received his text, he let out a long grumpy sigh. "What the hell is he thinking? Does he want me to be out of job soon?!"

"Han Jipyeong!!!"

Back in his apartment, he felt something in his ear. "What, did I just hear something?"

He threw his towel aside and dressed up casually. He's going to take a walk around Seoul alone.

Resilience in the face of adversity. That sums up what kind of person Jipyeong is. And he faces them alone. That what makes him an incredibly amazing human being.

He was so used to being alone until fate brought him to Dalmi. From that man who opened up his heart within the walls around him, his emotions started to seep through the cracks, slowly admitting his feelings and eventually became someone admirable in letting people know what he felt.

Although the journey was a painful one, Jipyeong took everything in his stride and moving on as he became a better version of himself.

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