Christmas Eve

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*SMUT WARNING* Please enjoy 😉
"Hmm-" Kinta sighed happily as she rested her elbows on the glass sill along Hisoka's balcony pool.
She watched the lights twinkle against the darkness slowly settling over Glam Gas Land, greens, reds and golds twinkled under a heavy blanket of snow. Large flakes fell all around her as she watched the bustling city from above, the pool was warm enough that the cold winter air didn't bother her. Despite being completely naked in the water. Dulled tunes of christmas songs drifted up to her, Hisoka had said he couldn't hear them from up here, but Kinta could. Like a soft-playing melody in the background for the last month. At first she'd found the odd forced-cheer of the holiday and the bazar lights annoying. But gradually the festivities had begun to grow on her, giving in her an odd sense of comfort despite the awful memories usually associated with Christmas.
Kinta pushed away from the glass sill that allowed them to view the city from the pool and let herself drift backwards, floating on her back as she watched the dark blue sky slowly darken above her. The large, white snowflake contrasting starkly against the night sky. From here they almost look like stars, peacefully and silently falling out of the sky. Her golden red hair fanned out in the water around her head as she floated in the warm water.
It still felt odd to her, it was Christmas eve and she wasn't frantically running about trying to set the compound to her fathers expectations. Arthur was always adamant that Christmas had to be perfect for everybody. Lights would be strewn out over the massive walls and houses inside the compound, a massive holiday meal would be prepared to feed all one hundred-plus residents. Everybody got a gift from Arthur, each one unique and based on the person's interests. The day would start off with a large breakfast, followed by presents, a day of music and games, all to end with a massive holidays feast.
Everybody looked forward to Christmas at the compound, everybody but Kinta. She'd been the one to decorate their home, prepare their meals, wrap their presents and clean up after them the following day. But she'd never been allowed to participate, she'd do all the prep work only to be locked away the moment the festivities began. Kinta remembered listening to the laughter and music of the people outside as she'd sat alone in that dark and desolate room. Occasionally somebody would take pity on her and slip her some scraps from the holiday meal or sneak her a trinket a few days before so she'd have something to entertain herself with.
The one thing she could look forward to on Christmas was that nobody would ever attack her. Her father never lost his temper with her on Christmas day, he'd never laid a hand on her for this one day out of the year. Even her brothers where oddly nicer on this day, Kinta distinctly remembered one Christmas night Akuma had brought her a blanket and a hot cup of cocoa. He hadn't said a word to her, but he'd draped the heavy blanket over her frail shoulders and pushed the warm mug into her hands before patting her on the head and closing the door again.
"My brother loves me." That had been what went through her head that night, she'd fallen asleep wrapped tightly in the new blanket and clutching the empty mug. It was one of the very few displays of affection Akuma had ever given her.
"Ugh-" Kinta let out a harsh breath as she sat up and began to tread water.
Why the hell was she thinking about this now? This was her first christmas away from that awful place, she was here- safe with Hisoka. The magician had stepped out several hours ago, he'd said he had some last-minute christmas shopping to do. Kinta slowly swam back to the pool deck, lifting herself out of the water and snatching her towel off one of the slow-covered lawn chairs before retreating into the warmth of the apartment. She quickly towelled herself off, pausing for a moment to admire the little christmas tree they'd put up in the corner of the living room.
Kinta hadn't wanted to decorate for Christmas, having always had to be the one to do it back home, the last thing she'd wanted to do was do it all again now that she was free. But the Magician had been persistent, he'd insisted that this would be somehow different. And oddly, it was. She hadn't had to decorate to meet somebody else's expectations, she'd been allowed to string the gold, red and pink ornaments anywhere she wanted on the evergreen tree. Twisting the white garland all over in uneven patterns. Hisoka had even put up lights along his balcony, securing them with his bungee gum because he was too impatient to use a hammer and nail like most people. Gifts wrapped in pink and blue reflected the soft lighting coming off the tree, sending various colors to dance against the pale walls.
She sighed happily as she moved toward the washroom, this was nice. She didn't have a dread being locked away, in fact she quiet looked forward to Christmas day. Something about this holiday was equally as exciting as it was peaceful and beautiful. Kinta tossed the damp towel into the bin before reaching up and tugging Hisoka's light red, fuzzy bathrobe off the back of the door. Did she have her own bathrobe? Of course, it was dark green and hung on the adjacent hook. But she liked to steal Hisoka's whenever she could because it smelt like the magician. She didn't bother tying it around herself, she could wrap the soft fabric around herself twice if she wanted to, the man was so much bigger than she was.
Just as Kinta came padding down the hallway the front door of the apartment clicked as Hisoka stepped through with a handful of colorful gift bags. He paused in the doorway, his golden eyes slowly raking over her body, partially exposed in his massive green robe as a sly smile spread across his lips.
"Hmm~ I get used to coming home to you like this~" He chuckled softly as he closed the door behind him with his shoulder.
Kinta smiled and rolled her eyes as he moved across the room towards the tree. "How was shopping? It's pretty damn cold out there."
"It is~" Hisoka sighed as he bent to place the bags under the tree, righting himself away and gently shaking some snow out of his red hair.
He wore his usual card-suited attire, except his top was different. It was still adorned with the card suits across his chest and back, but instead of being a crop-top tank top paired with a long undershirt he wore a large form-fitting sweater. The fabric was dark green with bright red accents, christmas colors of course. Even his star and teardrop were green and red. Hisoka sure seemed to get excited over the holiday, Kinta had expected him to get this worked up about it, yet it was oddly adorable.
"I never knew you loved Christmas so much." Kinta sighed happily as she sat on the massive leather sofa. "You really went all out this year." She motioned to the presents, the christmas themed outfit and the decor all around the apartment.
"I don't usually~" The magician murmured as he sat next to her, letting Kinta tuck herself under his arm as she rested her head on his chest.
"Why not?"
"I don't usually have somebody to celebrate with~"
She blinked as she pulled her head back to look at him. "What do you mean? You don't have any friends to visit? You and Illumi don't get together or something?"
The magician chuckled and slowly shook his head. "You overestimate how friendly me and Illumi are~ besides he has his own family to be with on Christmas~"
"The Phantom troupe never did anything?"
He shrugged. "They did, but it didn't exactly interest me~"
Kinta pursed her lips, she doubted that was the case. If she had to take a guess, he simply wasn't invited. Why wasn't the magician accepted by his fellow psychopaths? Yes he was a murderer and a perv, but he was no worse than they were. They each would kill, steal and wreak havoc for their own gains- how did Hisoka end up being the odd one out? Then again, he seemed to try to make himself stand out from the rest. It was either an odd compulsive need to be different, or he'd simply gotten used to being outcast and decided to embrace the role.
"Hmm~" He sighed as he slipped a finger under her chin and rocked her head back to meet his gaze. "Don't you start feeling sorry for me, your christmases haven't exactly been full of love and cheer either little fruit~"
Kinta rolled her eyes, nipping at the pad of his thumb before pulling her head away. "Fine, I've actually got an early christmas present for you." She purred, slowly standing from the couch as she tugged on his arm.
"Oh~?" The magician's golden eyes lit up as he watched her stand, the robe parted to expose the front half of her body as she tried to pull the man to his feet.
"Come on!" Kinta laughed, letting go of his hand before moving to the end of the hall. She placed her hand on the corner, winking at the magician still sitting on the couch watching her before giggling and disappearing down the dim hallway.
"You're adorable~" Hisoka chuckled, the sofa squeaking as he finally stood.
She listened to the soft clicking of his heels on the wooden floor moving down the hall as Kinta hurried into the bedroom, hopping on the bed and concealing his present behind her back as she settled on her knees on the mattress. The magician paused in the doorway, leaning his shoulder on the frame and crossing his arms over his chest as he took a moment to admire her. The red robe still covered most of her lower body, but she'd allowed it to start sliding off her shoulders- exposing the swell of her breast.
"A present for the bedroom~?" He chuckled, a sly smile spreading over his face as he watched Kinta slowly lift a hand and point her finger at him, curling her finger in a "come here" motion. "This is a very merry Christmas~"
She giggled as she watched him slowly move across the room, coming to stand in front of her at the foot of the bed.
"What do you have, kitten~?"
"Close your eyes and hold out your hand." She winked at him again, keeping the present concealed behind her back.
The magician cocked an eyebrow at her, watching her for a long moment before he finally conceded. He closed his eyes with a soft sigh before putting his hands palms-up in front of himself. Kinta bit down on her tongue to swallow another giggle as she placed the large, heavy strap into the magicians hands. His golden eyes popped open as he felt the weight of the object, going wide for a moment as he looked at it, back at Kinta and then back at the strap again.
"What's wrong? Not what you expected?" A sly smile spread across Kinta's lips as she watched a slight blush form on the tops of Hisoka's cheeks.
"This again hmm~?" His eyes continued to flick back and forth between her and the ten inch strap in his hand, it was bigger than last time. "Are you gonna tie me down again~?" The magician wagged his eyebrows as he looked back up at her.
"Actually- no." Kinta smiled as she took the bright pink strap out of his hand. "Last time I tied you down and "forced" you, you had that awful nightmare afterwards. I don't want to trigger any painful memories for you again, so I won't use any restraints this time. I want you to want it. In fact-" A mischievous smile pulled her lips as she sat up, hooking a finger in the collar of his shirt as she tugged him down so her lips were inches from his. "I want you to beg for it."
Hisoka visibly shivered, his golden eyes darkening with lust as he considered the situation. "You want me to simply roll over and submit to you~?"
"Hmm- no." Kinta giggled as she pulled harder on his sweater, the magician allowed himself to be tugged down as she rolled. Putting Hisoka's back on the bed as she straddled his waist, the robe slipped off her shoulders and piled around her waist, completely exposing her upper body. "I want you to trust me my love-" she leaned over him, letting her lips brush his abs, he lifted his head to meet her kiss but Kinta grabbed a fist full of his hair to keep his head in place. Her other hand trailed down his body until she stroked his semi-hard member over his pants, earning a soft groan from the man. "I want you to let me make you feel good."
He let out a soft sigh as Kinta began leaving a trail of tender kisses starting at his cheek and moving slowly down his neck. She slipped her hand under his waistband, rolling her thumb over the sensitive head before slowly stroking the underside of his shaft, his body shivered under her touch as she let her teeth graze his neck.
"What do you say, magic man?"
"Yes~" He groaned as Kinta wrapped her hand around his hard member.
"Yes what? Say it-" Kinta purred before nipping his neck and soothing the spot with her tounge.
"Yes please~" He groaned as she stroked him. "Kinta, peg me~"
"With pleasure darling-" A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she pulled away from the man. But first-" She slid off his lip, giggling at his confused look as she grabbed the strap before sauntering over to the lounge chair he kept on the opposite side of the room. Kinta sat in the chair, crossing her legs and resting her elbow on the arm as she smiled at Hisoka who slowly sat up on the bed. "Strip for me, magic man."
Hisoka raised an eyebrow as a small smirk tugged the corner of his lip. "Turning the tables on me are you~?"
Kinta simply giggled and winked at him as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand as she watched him reach for the hem of his sweater and slowly pull it off over his head. She sighed happily as he moved his arms over his head, admiring the fine-cut muscles across his chest and abdomen, she'd like to trail her tongue over every valley of muscle. Hisoka chuckled softly at her admiring gaze as he tossed the sweater to the side, reaching down to unzip the back of his heels before kicking them off as well.
As much as Kinta would love to rail the magic man with his heels on, he was already so much taller than her, she'd never reach if he had the extra four inches of height. She let her gaze drift down his abdomen hungrily as he undid the buttons of his pants, allowing his hard member to spring free as he tugged the fabric down. She admired the fine grooves of muscle over his thighs as his pants fell away, he kicked them to the side before shifting his weight to one leg and resting his hand on his hip.
"Well~? Shall I strike a pose~?" He chuckled softly.
"You are stunning." Kinta purred from her place on the chair.
The magician paused for a moment, his golden eyes going wide as a faint blush spread through his cheeks. "I know~"
"Then why are you blushing?' She cocked her head as she stood from the chair, leaving the robe behind as she twirled the strap between her fingers.
"Ah~" The blush deepend as he watched her slowly approach. "Nobodys said it to me before~"
"Then I'll say it everyday." She smiled broadly, standing on her toes so that she could kiss his neck as she spoke. "No matter how many scars decorate your body-" Her hands stroked his thighs as she moved her way down to kiss his chest. "No matter how old and wrinkly we get." Her hand came up to cup his heavy sack, stroking the underside of his shaft with her thumb, earning her a soft moan. "You will always be my beautiful, magical man."
She giggled again as she pushed him backwards, the backs of his knees hitting the bed before he fell onto his back on the mattress with a soft chuckle. But his laugh was cut short when Kinta sunk to her knees between his legs and flicked her tongue over the head of his cock. He sucked in a harsh breath as she took the head between her lips and sucked on it gently while rolling her tongue over it.
"Ah~" He groaned softly, one hand coming up to cup the back of her head.
Kinta pulled away and clicked her tongue at him. "Ah-ah mister, I want you to keep your hands at your sides." She grabbed his hand off the back of her head and placed it on the bed next to him. "Be a good boy-" She murmured before wrapping her lips around him again.
A soft moan escaped his lips as Kinta slowly took him down her throat, Hisoka's fingers twitched at his sides as his hips lifted off the bed. Her head bobbed slowly up and down on his length, soft suction sounds mixed with his moans gradually getting louder, his hands curling into fists at his sides as he tried to obey her command.
Kinta finally released his member with a soft popping sound. "Good boy- now, roll over for me."
She tried not to giggle, the magician was obviously a little embarrassed by this, he'd barely make eye contact with her as he hesitantly rolled onto his hands and knees. She admired the sight of his thick, toned ass before her as she buckled the strap into place, dribbling a little lube on the tip and stroking it over the rubber length.
"Now then, Hisoka-" She purred as she activated a claw and slowly drug it up one cheek, leaving a thin red mark. "Remind me of the safe word."
"Red~" He huffed, burying his face in a pillow, no doubt to try and hide the blush spreading across his face.
"Awe, since when are you shy?" She slapped the red mark, causing the magician to jump at the sudden impact.
"Since when do I willingly submit to you~?" He shot back, his voice muffled by the pillow.
She chuckled softly, leaning over him as she pressed the head of the strap against his tight entrance. Kinta reached up and grabbed a fist full of his silky red hair, tugging his head back to lift his face away from the pillow. "You wanted this, didn't you? Just a moment ago, you begged me for it-"
A soft groan escaped his lips as she pressed the head a little harder, almost sheathing it inside of him as she tightened her grip on his hair. Her free hand reached around to slowly stroke his still dripping-wet cock as his body shuddered.
"Yes~" He moaned. "Please~"
"Awe-" Kinta purred as she bent her head to nip at his earlobe. "You're so cute when you beg. I don't think you really want it though."
Hisoka growled as she focused her stroking on the head of his member, just a little more pressure and the strap would finally slide inside of him. "Kinta~" He sunk his hips back, moaning as the strap stretched his tight entrance.
"Such a good boy." She purred, releasing her hold on his hair as she set a slow pace with her hips, letting him slowly get used to the length. This was quite a bit bigger than the last strap she'd used, and she wasn't even all the way to the base yet.
"Ah~ ahug~" The magician fisted the sheets, his moaning muffled by the mattress as Kinta gradually pushed herself deeper inside of him.
Kinta activated her claws, trailing them lightly over his back as she thrusted, leaving light pink marks on his pale skin. His body shivered under her touch as she pushed herself even deeper.
Hisoka let out a harsh breath, growling as their hips finally met.
A cruel smile spread across her lips as Kinta finally set her fast, grueling pace, earning a guttural moan from the man as she railed into him. The room filled with sound of their hips slapping together and Hisoka's muffled moans.
"Hmm-" Kinta purred as she fisted his hair again and tugged his head up roughly. "Stop trying to muffle yourself love, I want to hear you."
"Ha~ fuck Ki~Kinta~" He moaned her name as her thumb rubbed the head of his memeber in tight circles. "Harder~"
A cruel smile spread across her face as she hooked her knee behind his, flipping the magician so fast that even he looked momentarily surprised. But Kinta bent her neck and kissed him before he could say anything, her teeth found his lower lip, nipping him so hard she tasted blood as he opened for her with a soft moan. She wasn't so gentle sliding the strap back inside of him this time, forcing him to take the entire length in one stroke, causing him to groan against her lips as their tongues glided against each other. She liked this position much more, Kinta wanted to be able to see his face when she caused him to unravel.
She finally pulled her head back, both of them gasping for air as she maintained her deep, merciless pace, reaching a hand between them to stroke his cock again. The magician's eyes rolled back as his hips lifted off the mattress, his star and teardrop were smudged beyond recognition, his hair coming free of its gel to fall around his eyes. The red hair complements the red blush across his cheeks. Simply stunning, Hisoka was gorgeous even when he was in throws of ecstasy.
Kinta sat back as she railed into him, running her free hand up his hard abdomen as his muscles bunched and released with each thrust. Slowly gliding over his chest, feeling his heart pounding under her fingers before she finally reached his neck and slowly wrapped her fingers around him. Hisoka's eyes widened for a moment, finally making eye contact with her as a mischievous smile pulled the corner of his lips. His massive hand wrapped around her wrist as she tightened her grip.
"Ahh~" The magicians voice sounded raspy with Kinta's hand around his throat, his guttural moans turning soft and breathy between gasps. "I'm~ ahh~ Kinta, I'm going~"
"Not yet." Kinta purred, not letting up on her grueling pace. "Almost, Hisoka-"
He let out a frustrated groan, his body arching against hers as he tried to contain himself.
"Good boy-" She purred, tightening her grip more, turning his sharp breaths into desperate rasps.
She held him like that, maintain her deep pounding as she stroked his member with one hand and choked him with the other. When the magicians eyes began to flutter and his grip on her wrist loosened slightly, Kinta finally let go.
"Now love-"
Hisoka inhaled sharply before a loud moan erupted form his chest, his head rocked back as he involuntarily tightened his grip on her wrist. He pulled Kinta into him as he dug his nails into her wrist, his hips jerking as he came unglued under her. She didn't mind, Kinta sunk her teeth into his neck as she continued to rail him through his orgasm, continuing to stroke him as his hot seed covered her hand and dribbled over his abdomen.
"Ha~" He let out a harsh breath as his release finally subsided, reeling her wrist and putting his hand on the back of her head as he took a moment to catch his breath.
Kinta giggled softly against his skin, soothing the place she'd bitten with her tongue. "Even the noises you make are beautiful." She murmured against his skin before pulling away from him and carefully letting the strap slide out.
Hisoka still panted under her, she smiled down at him as she brought her hand to her lips and slowly licked his semen off her fingers. His golden eyes watched her, hungrily but tiredly as she bent and licked every last drop off his stomach before removing the strap from around her waist.
"What about you~?" He murmured softly as Kinta climbed up the side the bed next to him.
"You can make it up to me later magic man." She smiled as she reached her arms out to him, letting the magician roll over and rest his head between her breasts.
She wrapped her arms around his head, bending her neck to kiss the top of his head before smoothing his ruffled hair. Hisoka let out a soft, content sigh as he nuzzled her chest, wrapping his massive arms around her waist as he tugged her closer.
"I love you, Hisoka." Kinta smiled as she ran one hand through his hair, the other stroked his back as he slowly relaxed against her. It was adorable how he always got worn out after getting pegged.
"I love you too~ Kinta." Hisoka murmured against her skin before he slowly went limp against her.
"Awe- all tuckered out?" She chuckled softly, careful not to wake him as she continued to stroke his hair and back. "You'd think the big bad reaper could withstand a little more- torture." She smiled and slowly shook her head.
But this is what she'd planned for, she'd wanted to wear the magician out. Kinta had some preparations to make tonight for the following morning, this wasn't the only present she had in mind for him. She was certain Hisoka would enjoy making it up to her on Christmas day.

Part 2 coming tomorrow!! (.....hopefully 😅) Im struggling guys 😅.

Magicians Pet Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now