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The blurred vision of the black peeling paint that was on the edge of holding on to the ceiling was the only thing my eyes could focus on. The heat and coldness that were running through my veins were also a matter of focus, but the pain was too much to yearn my attention towards.

I tug on my restraints that were tied to my legs and hands, trying to see if there is any last chance of me breaking out of them.

"Stop fighting it, Violet. You're only making things much more worse and slow." That gravelly voice was like a ringing siren. Any time he spoke, it would have a horrible echo affect that would make me believe my ears were bleeding.

"What...what do you want from me?" I managed to breath out. I flinched from the sore slits on my wrists that I've gotten from trying to break free.

"Simple," I hear him say, "Your soul."

As the seconds went by, my physical control and vitality were decreasing. My eye lids were on the brink of closing shut, and the floor underneath me was sinking deeper and deeper.

"He's...he's coming for me," I breathlessly whisper, trying to stay alert and awake to see if the person who is supposed to protect me will break through the door. It was taking every ounce of energy and force in my body to keep my eyes open, but the tears in my eyes were a sign of defeat.

His grating laugh filled my ears loudly, and for a moment I was suffocated by the breath that was knocked out of me. My heart felt lke it was racing at a speed of 190 beats per minute, and the slits were getting deeper and deeper.

"I'm sorry my dear ; but this is not Wonderland, and you are not Alice. No one is coming for you."

I let out a a cry of pain from a hot sting that was hit in my chest. It felt like someone was sitting on top of me and not letting me breathe. I was losing consciousness by the moment, and I had no choice but to rest my eyes and relieve my exhausted body of the constant fight for control and escape.

"Sweet dreams, Violet," was the last and only thing I heard of his slithering voice, before falling into a deep trance of nothingness and darkness.

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