Chapter 14 ~ come back soon...

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dr.scratchansniff hadn't been active at all since the Warners left. He thought after the monkey children were gone he could live the life at Warner brothers studios that he had done many years ago. He missed those kids but he couldn't figure out why...
Hello nurse walked into the room and sighed at the fact that Yakko and Wakko weren't there to surprise her like always. "dr.scratchansniff? Mr.Plotz has requested to see you." Hello nurse said softly walking over to the doctor, who was facing his pictures on the wall, frowning as she knew what he felt. "Oh...ok.." dr.scratchansniff sighed as he slouched down more hugging his legs with his arms. Hello nurse put a hand on his shoulder."I'm sure the Warners are fine... They'll come back at some point.." dr.scratchansniff turned to face her and frowned."I hope your right nurse..."


The trio were well on their way back to their real home. Dot sat on the medium sled they had brought with them and read a magazine with loads of girly stuff which was girly. Wakko walked beside his older brother helping him pull the sled which had dot on it.
They soon stopped at a bridge. It was a hugeeeeee drop down if they were to fall off. This made yakko quite worried as he told Wakko to jump on the sled with dot but her refused to as he wanted to help his big brother. About half way down the bridge Wakko stood on a weak spot causing the wood underneath him to fall away from the rest of the bridge, luckily Wakko still had hold on the rope from the sled. Yakko hurried over to the rope coming up from the hole and started to pull calling for Wakko to hold on and stay calm. Dot was screaming and crying in the background as Yakko was not able to pull his brother up. Both the Warner siblings still on the bridge grabbed tight hold of the rope and pulled until the shaken Wakko had climbed back into the bridge.

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