Chapter 3 ~ Mom..

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"So this is where we are going to stay for a while?" Yakko said in a whisper of amazement as he
looked around the huge house. He had never seen a family house like this before, and now he is
gunna be living here for a few days until he found somewhere else for him and his siblings to go and
stay. Why of course!! As long as you want!!" Ariel looked down on the three kids... They didn't
understand how she could treat them like... Her children... No one and i mean NO ONE has ever
treat the Warners like that! It was weird... A whole new Experience for them....
Ariel led the trio up to her bedroom so they could get ready for bed and get some sleep. So where
are we going to sleep?" Asked a very tired Dot as she snuggled closer to Yakko and Wakko who were
also tired and did the occasional yawn here and there. Well you guys can sleep on my bed with me!
So come on up!" Ariel said as she jumped down onto the bed picking Dot up and carefully placing
here on the bed, Yakko and Wakko climbed up themselves, I know this is a stupid question but can
we call you... Mom" Dot said in a soft yet adorable voice looking deep into Ariels eyes with a sad
expression...,"Of course you can sweetie!" Ariel giggled as she took Dot into her arms, Dot giggled
back. Yakkos eyes filled with tears of happiness... He had found a place he and his younger siblings
were safe from any danger that may try to capture them... Wakko also had tear eyes... He had never
seen anyone but Yakko make dot giggle the way she did... It was the most amazing feeling...
Night soon fell and Ariel tucked the trio into her bed. There was a knock at the door and Yakko had a
very bad feeling about it...,"I'm just going to get the door" Ariel softly said as she kissed each Warner
on the forehead and disappeared out of the door.... Her footsteps could be heard but that was only her going down the stairs. Yakko needed to shake off all the bad thoughts about what could happen and focus on his future....

To be continued...

*:.. o()o ..:*
Okay so this is short I know >.< but school started and I'm having less time so sorry guys *3*

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