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usually private chefs, their sous chef, and the maids would prepare the meals however, the kitchen of the sakamaki mansion is always occupied by naomi who often goes for taste testing and help with the work. reiji reprimanded naomi for his behavior but naomi doesn't care for any of it.

"what do you think, naomi sama?" the chef asked as naomi took a bite out of the boeuf bourguignon.

after chewing, the rich texture soaked into naomi's sensitive tastebuds. naomi smiled in delight as he swallowed the chunk of meat.

"delicious" naomi complimented, "maybe a little more salt on the meat"

"o-of course, naomi sama!"

naomi is popular with both men and women of all ages (as mentioned before), but also of all status. he is benevolent just as he is beautiful. though it is mainly because of his beauty that makes him unapproachable and causes his admirers to stare in awe from afar. it is also because of his glaring husband that makes onlookers look away in fear of the murderous intent he was emitting.

"lord naomi" a familiar appears, "master reiji requests you"

the surrounding maids sulked at naomi's sudden leave however they were smiling again when naomi promised to return.

"what does he want?" naomi asked, his voice gentle and soft.

"i cannot say" the familiar discloses, "i am only to bring you to him"

he expected this. reiji never came to him himself when he needed something and when he does, he wod send someone in his stead. naomi dismisses the familiar since he knew where reiji's room was. when he ascended the stairs and made her way to reiji's room, he noticed faintly a pair of eyes on him. however, he shook off the paranoia.

naomi now stands in front of a polished wooden door. he raises his hand and knocks three times.

"come in"

he enters arbitrarily and closes the door behind him. his golden eyes flickers towards reiji who stared back at him. naomi walks like a marionette to him with his flowy robes tracing behind his svelte silhouette. his cloud-like blush pink hair was more vibrant than any flower and the golden eyes that shone brighter than a sky of quesars. his skin was fair and unblemished of every impurities. the delicate pink lashes fluttered every blink.

reiji's eyes fell upon his husband who rivaled aphrodite. without a doubt, he was like the mona lisa: everyone will stop and stare, and no one would know the enigmatic smile that graced his full red lips.

"the familiar said you needed something?" naomi reminded his gawking husband.

"did you cut yourself?" reiji suddenly asked, regarding the familiar scent of blood.

"?" the pinkette looked at his hands and felt his neck. he didn't know what he meant until he felt his wrist which had a vaguely small cut. "it's a small cut. nothing to worry about."

"come here"

"reiji, it's fine-"

"come here" reiji demanded.

naomi pouts but eventually gives in. although their relationship was a bit rocky, they respected each other and knew what was best.

"give me your wrist." naomi does as he is told.

reiji touched naomi's warm hands and turned it over. the cut was located right below his wrist. it really was a small, minor cut but his scent of blood could seep through the tightest spaces. reiji pulled his hand and his lips grazes the cut. he licks the abrasion and sunk his fangs right into his veins.

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