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a young girl with short curly platinum blonde hair and sherbet pink eyes arrived at the door of the resplendous sakamaki manor with her suitcase. she was unsure if it was the right address since the home she was supposed to live in from now on appeared to be so luxurious.

she knocks on the door. "hello? is anyone home?"

the door opens, revealing a ethereally beautiful face with long blush pink hair, blushed cheeks like peach blossoms, red lips without pigment and bright golden eyes.

what a beautiful person, yui thought with a red tint on her cheeks and her heart racing.

his golden orbs looked at her in curiosity then realization.

"ah! you must be komori yui!" he confirms, his flowery pheromones wafting in the air and hits yui. "it's a pleasure to meet you! my name is naomi."

"n-nice to meet you too, naomi-san!" yui greeted him happily.

"please come in" naomi welcomes her with a warm smile, "i'll bring your luggage to your room."

yui enters the mansion and felt a shiver down her spine. however, she wasn't worried since naomi was right next to her which reassured her.

"make yourself feel at home" naomi comforted, "i'll be right back, yui chan."

naomi takes yui's suitcase and proceeded to make her way upstairs not before reassuring the blonde that he will be right back.

i don't think she knows that i'm a guy, naomi thought.

naomi has a beautiful appearance which often makes many people mistake him for a woman. not only that, his name was also feminine but it was a unisex name. who would blame him? naomi was very beautiful in general.

he chuckles to himself thinking of yui's face when she finds out that he was a guy and not a woman.


a shiver runs down naomi's spine. he didn't bother looking since he knew who the voice belonged to. his husband, reiji. a nervous smile presented itself on naomi's face as he turns to face reiji whose red eyes looked at the golden ones in dismay.

"r-reiji" naomi greets him as he averts his gaze, "what do you need?"

"whose luggage is that?" reiji asked.

reiji really didn't care if it was one of his siblings getting ready to leave because he couldn't care less. however, if it's naomi, it was his responsibility to know.

"oh, shu didn't tell you?" naomi answered, "that man told him that a girl would be here to live with us from now on. her name is-"

"silence" reiji snapped as naomi's brows knitted together and golden eyes looked down. "a familiar will bring her luggage to her room. you're not a servant so don't bother with such menial tasks"

a familiar appears from the shadows and offers its hand to take the luggage from naomi's possession.

"do not make me repeat myself" reiji retorts.

"i'll handle it myself" naomi replied, "just like how i have been doing it these past years"

reiji's teeth gritted in anger at naomi's pettiness. he raised his hand back and threw it as hard as he could, whipping it across naomi's face. it left a red bruise however, because he too was a vampire, it will be healed in a few hours. naomi was indifferent and shed no tears to the abuse he received. he silently accepted it.

"if that's all" naomi stared at him, "then leave me alone"

naomi dismisses the familiar and proceeded to make his way to where yui's room was located. he didn't give much thought to the slap he received because it was pointless. he places yui's luggage in her room and leaves. naomi's room was not too far from hers so they can easily visit each other. reiji and naomi did not share a room.

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