8. Wake Up And Smell The Coffee

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Title from: Come Out and Play - Billie Eilish (aka daddy/loml)

Audrey's pov

1 week later, Christmas morning

It's Christmas! I quietly creep out of my room trying my best not to wake anyone up. We all had a Christmas Eve sleepover at my apartment and we drank hot cocoa, made cookies, and watched Christmas movies. Evie slept on the little couch in my room, she looked like a little baby all curled up under the blankets. And Cam slept on the pullout in the living room. I tiptoed to the kitchen to make coffee. Not for me tho, I'm a big morning person. It's for those two, I know both of them are gonna wake up like cranky old people. I put my earbuds in and played some Christmas music while tidying up the apartment from last night. Both of them seem to be pretty hard sleepers but I didn't wanna risk it. I checked my phone, 9 am, I'll let them sleep. I did a little bit of last minute gift wrapping and then went back to the kitchen to make breakfast. Cam was the first to wake up. He walked to the counter still half asleep and poured himself a cup of coffee. Ha, called it! ¨Morning Cam, merry Christmas! Breakfast will be done in a few, just waiting on the bacon. I'm gonna go get Evie up, call me if it starts to sizzle.¨ I said putting the plates down on the counter next to the stove.

¨Evieee, time to get up sleepy head¨ I said in a low voice kneeling down next to her, shaking her softly. ¨Mhmmm, good morning Audrey. What time is it?¨ she said in a raspy voice. ¨It's a little after 10. Come on, I made breakfast and coffee and we've got presents to open.¨ I say getting back up and walking to the door. ¨Alright, just a moment. Lemme go use the bathroom real quick¨ she said getting off the couch and stretching. ¨Okie dokie, but don't take too long. I don't want it to get cold.¨ I said giving her a soft smile before leaving the room.

¨Oh yeah, bacon's ready¨ Cam said already eating it. ¨Cammm you were supposed to wait for us before eating¨ I whined. ¨Well you where taking too long and I'm hungry¨ he said shrugging his shoulders and continued eating. ¨I was only gone for a few moments¨ ¨Yeah, a few too many¨ ¨Whatever, I guess now that everyone's up I can play Christmas music!¨ I said running over to my phone and playing it on full volume. ¨Turn it downnn¨ Evie groaned from my room. ¨Evie! You're supposed to awake already¨ ¨But I'm tireddd¨ she said burying herself under the blankets. ¨Fine,  I didn't want it to have to come to this but I guess you leave me no choice.¨i sighed walking over to her. I pulled her off the couch and onto the floor and started to tickle her. ¨Dont you ever wake me up like that again¨ she said quickly pinning me down on the floor. ¨Oh yeah, or what?¨ I questioned staring into her deep brown eyes as she towered over me. ¨This!¨ she yelled as she started tickling me. ¨Stop stop stop im gonna pee myself!¨ I yelled laughing and squirming under her. ¨Eww, go pee then¨ she said getting off of me. I stood up panting trying to catch my breath. ¨Tricked you!¨ I yelled running out of the room into the kitchen. ¨You little bitch!¨ I heard her yell as she chased after me.

¨Cam help me! Evie's trying to kill me!¨ I shouted and hid behind him. ¨Its too damn early for this. Sit your asses down and eat breakfast so we can go open presents and do all the cheesy Christmas shit you wanna do¨ he said taking a sip of his coffee. We all sat down and I notice Evie looking for something. ¨Cam! Did you eat my food?¨ she asked giving him a death stare. ¨Oh yeah, I put your food in the microwave to keep it safe from him¨ I said laughing. She gets up to go get her food and then sits back down and stares right at me. ¨Well I hope you learned your lesson¨ she says looking away and taking a bite of her food. ¨Woahhh, kinky¨ ¨SHUT UP CAM!¨ me and Evie both yelled in unison.

We finished eating and opened presents. Evie got me some decor for my apartment and Cam got me a cute butterfly necklace and some little rings. I got Cam some chains like the ones I've seen him wear and a toy car. ¨Oh haha, very funny¨he said sarcastically throwing the little hot wheels car at me. ¨I thought you'd like it¨ I said giggling with Evie sitting next to me trying her best not to die laughing. I got her a pair of custom sneakers. ¨Yooo! Audrey these are dope, thanks!¨ she said observing them. I had them help me put up some of my decor because they're giants compared to my to tiny 4'11 self. We all say our goodbyes and clean up our mess from presents. This was definitely a good first Christmas in the Guardian Rhelm.

A/N: y'all I'm sorry there were so many things this chapter that seemed hella sexual. I'm not even gonna lie tho, that was kinda my intention. 😅 I hope you all have a great Christmas and a good new years. Sorry for not posting a chapter last week and I hope the one yesterday and today make up for it. Merry Christmas! Dueces 🎅✌️

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