Well idk when I dreamt this one, but I think its a few months ago. But I dreamt about school (not surprising since I really miss it since the lockdown and quarantine and shit) and I was having lunch on the training grounds with my friends. (We're allowed to sit wherever we want during lunch, its free real estate so I know every part of my school) And also, also also also, after having lunch I saw my crush.
And they was were their awesome self as usual (extra happy cause even though I think a lot about them I never see them in my dreams). And after the dream I think I had a class decorating contest in the school. I'm not sure who won but it was hella fun and I also slapped the most irritating kid in the class.
And after that we went swimming. Like, all of us. The whole class and a bunch of teachers because my mind says so. And we were surfing and shit in a RIVER which I have been dreaming about for several years now (am I the only one seeing a pattern here?) And it was fun as shit I almost drowned but the giant squid and the ocean from Moana saved me (idk how, okay? Don't ask) and I jsut woke up. Just like that. :/
This was a bit of a short dream so I didn't even bother telling mum. (My mum is really obsessed with hearing my dreams and idk why)
I Have Weird Dreams (And An Obsession With Zombies)
Randomi have really weird dreams, so I thought I'd record them lol. They're so weird my mum has almost stopped hearing them 😂 (I still make her hear them lmao)