💛 | prince x laceless | 💛

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(art by minnowbread :D

requested by spongeboboi 

i apologize for taking a long time to write these stories guys haha)

Laceless sighed, kicking a rock and frowning. He stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets. 

"I'm not fit to wear this." The small yellow teen thought. "I bet Emperor was way better at assisting the team... he should've stayed."

Laceless strolled to a bench in the Square. He sat there for a while, contemplating the rough day he had after losing. In the distance, he could see a yellow inkling searching for something. As the dot in the background got bigger, he noticed it was his team leader Prince! Laceless looked down, for he was embarrassed and didn't really want to talk to him right now.

Too bad for Laceless, because Prince saw him already, and waved to him. 

"Hey, Laceless... oh, is this a bad time?" Prince queried, noticing the red on his face. "I got you a drink!" He shook around the Main-Up Guava.

"T-thank you," he muttered, wiping a tear from his face. He gestured for Prince to sit next to him.

"Is something wrong? You seem sort of down."

"Well," the younger inkling scratched his cheek, "I feel like I'm just not good enough to be on this team sometimes... nothing important really..."

"Are you kidding? You're amazing!"Prince complimented him. "And plus, we'll improve together! You and I! And N-Pacer, and Eging-"

He was cut off by a giggle from Laceless. He sipped his drink. Only Prince could lift his mood so effortlessly.  He really appreciated having such a kind team leader.

He looked at the shine in Prince's eyes. He looked at his milky-white jacket. He looked at his shoes, partially ripped at the bottom. He admired him. 

"Do you like your drink?" Prince asked him, causing Laceless to snap out of his trance. "I wasn't sure if you'd like that or an Ink-Charge Melon..."

"I-it's good, don't worry!" He smiled at his team leader, receiving a smile as bright as the sun in return. 

Laceless really appreciated the small things in life. The meaningless conversation, the times where things weren't quite so busy. 

The smell of hot salt wandered through the square, birds flew past. A group of Inklings were playing near the Shoal, trying to beat Mask's score to no avail. Prince put his hand on Laceless's.

"It's nice, huh? Taking a break from battle." Prince asked his teammate.

"Yeah! I wish we could have more times like this. It's fun..." Laceless stretched. 

"We can! Tell me next time you're free. We can just do... whatever you'd like!" 

That made the younger Inkling really happy. He beamed, "Of course!" 

The rest of the day was spent by them hanging around in the square, and taking in the atmosphere. They talked about nothing and everything- and yet, it was the most fun Laceless had in a while. The sky darkened, signaling the night's arrival. Prince explained how last time when he came home late, Emperor put together a search party. He pulled Laceless into a hug and waved goodbye.

Laceless stood there for a while, thinking about their interaction. His face was warm, and his heart raced in his chest. Hands in his pockets, he smiled all the way on the walk home.

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