Hi, I'm the Light.
I have been here the whole time
But you have never noticed me.
He had your full attention.
Hello, I'm Darkness.
You found me not long after the event.
The event that Light let you suffer through.
Remember I am your true light.
The other is a phony.
Don't listen to him!
He will lead you astray.
That is why he is darkness.
I won't hurt you.
Unlike Light, who wants to destroy your
And dreams.
I would, but not yours.
You are different from the others.
I had found you, so that I could help you.
Darkness wants to take you away.
I want to save you
From the pain
And anguish of loving Light.
He will leave you.
He always does.
I won't because I Love You!
I Love You!
》Who will you choose? Light or Darkness? 《