Chapter 19

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We were about to go to our tents we heard someone calling us.
“You two, what are you guys doing here?” It was Mr. Klain. He looked furious.
I’ve never seen him this angry. We slowly walked towards him.
“W-we saw someone here. That’s wh-why”
“Nonsense. Go to your tents now. Don’t come out” he yelled at us.
“But Mr. Klain-”
“Don’t even say a single word” he said threateningly.

We both didn’t have any other choice. We went to our tents. When I went to mine
Win was awake.
“Where did you go?” he sleepily asked me. I told him the whole story.
“I can’t even imagine Mr. Klain getting angry. He’s always chill though”
“That’s what I’m saying too”
“Anyway let’s just sleep. It’s quite late”

Next day, I met with Kao. He looked like he was thinking about something serious.
“Kao? Are you okay?” I called him.
“Kai yesterday’s incident felt really weird to me”
“Yeah. It was the first time I saw Mr. Klain getting angry too”
“No, that’s not what I meant. Yesterday night, when he was angry I tried to read
his mind” Kao said, looking at me with an expressionless face.
“What did you see?”
“That’s the problem Kai. I couldn’t see anything. I felt something was blocking
me. It has never happened before.”
“Maybe you didn’t do it properly?”
“I don’t know Kai” he said sighing.
“Do you want to try again?” I asked.
“What if he gets angry again?” Kao asked.
“Well it doesn’t hurt to try, right?” I asked back.
We both went towards Mr. Klain. He was reading something on his phone.
“Mr. Klain” we called. He looked at us. We saw a small wound under his nose. He instantly smiled at us.
“Oh Kai, Kao! Good morning to both of you!” he greeted like nothing happened
“Good morning sir!” We both greeted back.
“Sir, what happened to your nose?” I started a chat, letting Kao do his work.
“Ah this! Yesterday a tin dropped on to my face” he said laughing.
I just talked few things with him. Then we came back. He didn’t say anything
about yesterday night. I turned to Kao.
“So, how did it go?”
“Kai, it didn’t work. I can’t use my power on him” Kao said. That was really
Next few days, we enjoyed the vacation to the fullest. Nothing special happened.
We just played and had fun. Now it was time for us to leave. Although we felt a
little bit sad, all of us needed to get away from these weird other school’s students as all they talked the whole day was about study things. Duh! So boring.
“Kai, are you ready?” Win asked.
“Yes. Let’s go”
We both went towards the bus. We met Andrew on the way. He was just standing like a statue.
“Andrew? Are you okay?” I moved my palms in front of his face, trying to get his attention. He suddenly blinked. But as if he didn’t see any of us, he just walked towards the bus and got into it.
“What’s up with him today?”
“Andrew and his mood swings” I shook my head.
We both got into the bus. The bus reached our school in couple of hours. We went to our dorms and had a good rest, whole weekend.
Next day we got a text from Mr. Ray saying, our next semester gonna start in two days. So we had two free days before that. We all decided to gather at Win’s room.
While going there, I met Mr. Klain on the way. He was struggling to carry a bunch
of files. I saw one of the files dropped. I quickly went there and picked it up.
“Oh Kai! Thank you” he said taking it back. That’s when I saw his necklace. It had a huge pendant in it. There was a weird stone in that necklace. It was so big and beautiful. I was amazed.
“Wow your necklace looks great Mr. Klain” I said.
He quickly covered it inside his shirt.
“Ah yes yes, it’s from my family” with that he left.
When I went to Win’s room, everyone was there except for Andrew.
“Mr. Klain is acting weird” was the first thing I said.
“Why what happened?” I told them the whole story.
“Well, I kind of noticed that too” Jane said.
“Really? Monkeys can notice those stuff?” Win asked mockingly with wide eyes.
“Shut up Win”
“By the way guys, where’s Andrew?” I asked.
“I called him, he said he’d rather be alone” Tay said.
“He’s really hard to understand. Sometimes he’s too good. Sometimes he doesn’t
care about us at all” Yoon pouted.
“Anyway, as today is free let’s go somewhere”
When we went out, we saw a huge chaos at the school. Students were running
everywhere. We asked from a student.
“What happened? Why are you guys running?”
“We don’t know clearly. But some students acting really weird, like zombies.
“Zombies?” Win laughed. That student looked at us weirdly. Then she ran after
“What the hell?”
Suddenly our phones beeped. It was Mr. Ray, asking us to come to school’s
“Let’s go” we ran to the auditorium. Mr. Ray and Andrew were already there.
“What’s happening Mr. Ray?”
“I don’t know Kai. But some students are acting like zombies”
“What should we do now?”
“We have to protect the students but in order to do that, we need to find out who’s behind this”
“Yoon, Jane and Tay go and help students to go somewhere safe”
“Okay Mr. Ray” they left.
“Win, Kai, Kao and Andrew, come with me to find who’s controlling all these”
“Mr. Ray, from where should we start?” Kao asked.
“Let’s go to Mr. Klain’s office. We need his help”
Although we went to Mr. Klain’s office, no one was there. But the files, he was
carrying were on his desk. A name on them, took my attention.
“Kaint? Who’s Kaint?”
Suddenly Mr. Ray froze.
‘Kaint? Kaint! I think I’ve heard that name before’ he mumbled.
Then I remembered that he lost his memory once. And only some of his memories
have recovered, not all.
“Mr. Ray, think about it. Try to remember where you heard that name” I said.
“Kao use your power to check what’s in his mind” Andrew said. Kao used his
“I can see that you know about him. But there’s still a space there. You need to
think about it yourself”
Suddenly Mr. Ray grabbed his head and screamed.
“Ugh! I don’t know. My head hurts”
“Keep going Mr. Ray. You need to recover your full memory”
He screamed louder and fall down. He deeply breathed in and out.
“Mr. Ray” we all screamed and crouched down beside him.
“Are you okay?”
“I-I think I remembered him”
*Flashback Mr. Ray’s point of view*
I was a newbie to super 7 class. There were 6 other students other than me. But only one was kind enough to talk to me. His name was Klain. We became best
friends since the first day. He had a twin brother named Kaint. His oldest brother
Kevin was our class teacher.
After we were taught about the story behind the super 7 class, all we wanted was finding out our potentials. I found mine. It was controlling water. But Klain, he was so special. He got the power of controlling anything. He could do anything including controlling our potentials. As Klain and Kaint were twins, they both had the same power.
But it didn’t affect Klain and mine friendship. We spent our school days happily.
Doing adventurous things with our powers. But one day we got to know that our teacher Kevin faced an accident. But unfortunately when we went to the hospital,
he was already gone. Klain was so sad. He has told me before that he only had his two other brothers. Now that their only guardian was gone, he was so devastated.
But on the other hand, Kaint didn’t look that sad. But he started to act weirdly. He distanced himself from everyone, including Klain. He hated everyone. No one knew what exactly happened to our teacher. The school covered it. But as I felt Klain and Kaint both knew the reason. They didn’t tell anyone. Not even me.
One day after our dinner, all super 7 students got sick except for Klain and Kaint.
“What happened to all you guys? Ray are you okay?” Klain asked me.
“I think someone’s poisoned our dinner”
“But who would do it?”
I couldn’t reply to him as I passed out. It took me a month to get my conscious
back. When I did, I was lying on my bed. Although I woke up I didn’t remember
anything that happened. I got to know that a student called Kaint, poisoned us.
That was all.
But after that, he never bothered us. And I never found out why he did that to us.

*End of the flashback/ Kai’s point of view from now on*

Mr. Ray told us their story.
“You and Mr. Klain were best friends? But why didn’t he tell you anything?”
“That’s what I’m thinking too”
“Do you think Kaint is back? Is he the one behind all these?” I asked.
“I don’t know Kai. I just remembered about him as I saw that name” Mr. Ray said.
“Kai do you remember that night he scolded us? What if it’s Kaint? Not Mr.
Klain” Kao asked me.
“Hmm... that’s also possible” I thoughtfully answered.
“Let’s go and find Mr. Klain” When we went out we saw Jane, Tay and Yoon
fighting with zombie students. Jane and Yoon guided three normal students to a
room while Tay grabbed a table using his potential and threw it towards some
“You guys need a hand?” I asked.
“No, we got this. You guys go” Tay said.
“Andrew!” Jane suddenly yelled.
“What? Why are you screaming? I’m right here.”
“Use your potential and turn off the power system”

“And how is that going to help us?”
“Idiot! Haven’t you watched any zombie film? They can’t see anything in the
“Alright! I’ll take care of it” Andrew ran.
Win, Kao, Mr. Ray and I went on separate ways to find Mr. Klain. Suddenly, all
the lights cut off and I knew Andrew has done his part. I had to use my phone’s
torch to see clearly.
I found Mr. Klain lying on the library’s floor. I ran towards him and crouched
down. He was injured so badly.
“Mr. Klain? What happened to you?”
He was so weak and he didn’t even have any energy to talk.
“Mr. Klain, wait here. I’ll go and bring Jane. She’ll heal you” when I was about to leave he grabbed my arm.
“Th-there’s no time for that. He took all my powers. Stop him before he destroys
everything” Mr.klain struggled to talk that his voice sounded like he was
“He? You meant Kaint?” I asked.
“Yes. He took my powerful necklace too”
I instantly took a group call and told others everything.
“It’s not easy here. Yoon was bitten by a zombie and I can’t heal her. She’s so
close to become a zombie. Tay is doing his best too.” I heard Jane crying.
“Kao and I are on the way. Wait a little bit. Don’t cry you monkey” I heard Win’s
voice. Even though he called Jane monkey as he always did, this time it sounded really soft.
“Where’s Mr. Ray?” I asked.
“Andrew went to check the CCTV system. Mr. Ray went with him. They can check where Kaint is”
“I’ll be there Jane” I said before hanging up. I supported Mr. Klain to get up and
took him with me to where Jane and others were.
When I joined them, Kao and Win were also there.
“Oh my God! She’s bleeding so much” I said as soon as I saw Yoon’s wound. I
helped Mr. Klain to lie down beside Yoon.
“Mr. Ray is calling me” Kao put the loudspeaker on.
‘Kids be careful. More zombies are coming towards you’
“How many?” Win asked.
Nearly thirty

*please vote,comment and share.. hope you have a wonderful day/night and stay safe..*
And stay tuned for the last chapter..

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