Chapter 2

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It was the day before the placement test and I was at the cafeteria as it was our


"Hey, kai" it was Pete and nom.

"Oh! Hey guys, what's up, come here and sit"

"Kai, we have a favour to ask from you"

"We? Don't tell lies Pete. It was your idea. I didn't want to do it" Nom yelled.

"Okay okay, it doesn't really matter whose idea this is, just tell me what I want to

do. If I can do it, I sure will''

"Hmm...Kai, I want to ask whether we can come to your dorm tonight''

"Oh! You sure can buddy"

"You know we can't find anything about his childhood." I heard Nom whispered at


"Yeah I know that. But we've to try." Pete said back.

It was 11 pm when they finally came to my room.

"Why are you guys late? Our janitor just left here." I whisper yelled.

"No kai we arrived at the perfect time, this is the perfect time to study, don't you

think so?"

"What? You guys asked to come here just to study? I thought we were going to do

something exciting."

"The only exciting thing we're doing right now is studying my friend"

"Ok then, I'm going to sleep" I was so pissed. I couldn't believe these two idiots

made me stay awake at night just for this.

"Don't you like to join us?" Nom asked again.

"You know I don't, why do you even ask me?"

"Hmm...Ok Ok but kai, before you go to sleep can you do me a favour?"

"Oh I don't know man. Last time you asked for a favour it was COMING INTO MY

ROOM AT 11PM JUST TO STUDY" I screamed at him.
"No no, don't worry. It isn't anything weird. I forgot my highlighter can you go to

my room and bring it? As you're not gonna study you've plenty of time right?"

I spent almost 30seconds just weirdly looking at him because of this unusual request.

Then I remembered this's Pete we're talking about. It's normal to be unusual.

"Ok whatever, I will bring it" with that I left the room.


rd person point of view: while Kai was away, *

"Hey kai left. Now we can search. Come, let's try to find something about his

childhood. Anything that can make him hate this whole studying thing."

"Are you sure that we can? What if Kai find that highlighter quickly?" Nom was still

unsure about this.

"There's no way he can find it because it's on my pocket."

"Wow, you are so determined about this."

"Yeah I know. He always complain how much he hates it when other people call

him dumb. Still he does nothing to change it. There has to be some reason." Pete

said sternly.

"Hey, watch this!"

"What? Did you find something? What's this?"

"Look this's a scholarship to this school. And it belongs to Kai"

"He has even won a scholarship? But how? More importantly why is he hiding it

from us? Why is he pretending to be dumb?

Suddenly, the door wide opened. Pete and Nom were startled.

"Hey guys I'm back and Pete here is your highlighter"

"M-my highlighter? Bu-but how did you find it?" Pete stuttered.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"How did you find it?"

"Oh, I couldn't. So I borrowed one from a classmate."

"Ah" Nom heaved a sigh as they didn't get caught.

"So are you guys gonna study now? Here?"
"Um no, actually we decided it'd be better if we study at our own rooms because

you are not joining us?"

"Ugh you made me go to your room for no reason. Whatever, now get lost. I need

my beauty sleep." Kai shooed them away.

After they left Kai closed the door. When he turned around he saw his scholarship

certificate on his table. He wondered how it suddenly came up there.

He lay on bed and grabbed his phone. There was a new message notification on his

phone. He opened the message.

"All the best on your placement test" the massager's icon was their school badge photo.

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